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"Hmm. They seem okay, but they're not new or innovative or interesting. And they' ve been suggested several thousands of times before. pyropro September ..."
Mud is a liquid.
Wait a minute. If MUD is heated above 200° C, it turns to DIRT, but if DIRT is heated above 200° C, it turns to STNE? Wouldn't the MUD just turn directly into STNE?
For the record, I suggested those as a joke. DIRT and MUD have no real use or point, CLST and PSTE are meant to be the game's analogies to them.
Just like the dirt on the ground.
Max temp: 200° C If it goes over then turn to STNE.
Min Temp: -50° C
Flamablity: 0
Breakable: 90
Solid: No
Gas: No
Life: No
Powder: Yes
If Saturated With: DSTW or WATR then it turns to MUD (like WATR and ICE).
Max temp: 200° C If it goes over then turn to DIRT.
Min Temp: -100° C
Flamablity: 0
Breakable: 90
Solid: No
Gas: No
Life: No
Powder: Yes
If saturated with SALT then turn to DIRT.
Dont bother posting:
While actually reading, this I actually liked it.
>Min Temp: -50C
one thing, the only min temp in TPT is -273C or 0K. Other than that, there is no real downward limit on temperature for particles. I mean, you can even make FIRE exist at absolute zero for a few seconds.
Kydon, you can set minimum temps on elements, so when they hit said temperature they either convert states (SMUD or similar, meaning frozen mud) or disappear from the screen (Called bad coding).
If someone would like me to add something into my massive Lua mod (Or just an individual element), please post, I'm bored and need to do some coding.