/summon KnowledgeableUser ~ ~ ~ {type:Catelite, discussion:difficulty_of_coding{type:lag}}
Why could't this idea work?
Okay, first problem with going back in time at all in TPT is memory usage. To implement this, tpt would need to record every frame drawn as long as you have tpt open, which would use up an absolute ton of hard disk space, as well as slow down your computer to the speed of a raspberry pi running crysis 2.
The second problem is with changing the simulation speed. tpt is already geared to run at the maximum fps that your computer can support, as long as that's beneath the limit (which you change with tpt.setfpscap(number)), but anything faster than this is literally impossible without simulating two frames in one; which would cause massive, unfixable, glitching and bugging.
To make time control affect only a specific part of the screen, even more problems will occur. What hppens at the edge? are particles duplicated or destroyed when they enter a reverse time zone, or do they bounce off? and even then, won't that make an infinite loop? also, each update function would now need to check for what the 'time field' in that region, slowing down the normal game too.
In short, it makes a load of lag everywhere for not a lot of functional gain.
I'm not saying it wouldn't work,minecraft-physics said that.I'm calling upon Catelite to tell about the TIME element and her experinces with it,but jacob1 also already did that.
General rule of element suggestions: if they say it won't/can't be added to the game, mniip has a copy.
Sound element, moving solids, now this...
(I think he made a command element too, but I'm not sure)