If anyone has any requests for complex script ideas that they don't feel like making or are unable to make, post them here. I will try to make it (I'll tell you if it's possible), and they will hopefully be done within a month! Any type (embedded in TPT or standalone, it's your choice, although I can only compile a standalone for Windows)
Could you make Gravtions like jacob1's mod but in script form?
I would do it myself but i have no idea how...
Sure, you can expect it within 2 weeks, maybe sooner.
...Press E.
(Although if you can give me the function I would use to set what element is selected, I could do it)
k thx!
No problem!
Here it is:
elements.allocate('AU3FGEN', 'GRVT')
elements.element(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_PHOT))
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Name', 'GRVT2')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Description', 'Gravitons. Create Newtonian Gravity. Based off of gravitons from jacob1\'s mod')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Color', '0x00EE76')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'MenuSection', '10')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Gravity', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Flammable', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Explosive', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Loss', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'AirLoss', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'AirDrag', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Advection', '1')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Weight', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Diffusion', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Collision', '0')
elements.property(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, 'Properties', 0x10010 )
local g = function(i, x, y, s, n)
--Update Function
if tpt.get_property ( "life" , i ) == 0 then
tpt.set_property ( "life" , math.random ( 250 , 500 ) , i )
tpt.set_property ( "vx" , math.random ( -5 , 5 ) , i )
tpt.set_property ( "vy" , math.random ( -5 , 5 ) , i )
simulation.gravMap ( x / 4 , y / 4 , 0.125 )
tpt.element_func(g, tpt.element('GRVT2'))
local function gfunc(i, r, g, b)
return 1, 0x00010001, 255, 0, 238, 118, 255, 0, 238, 118
tpt.graphics_func(gfunc, tpt.element("GRVT2"))
It's still far from perfect, but I can keep working on it.
And @Boxmein, I'm currently working on one for jacob1's mod, which can store the 10 most recently-used elements and display them in the bottom-right hand corner. Of course, in his mod, you can use the favorites menu, but it makes it just a bit faster.
Hey thanks i havnt been on for quite a while