
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    9th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    If anyone has any requests for complex script ideas that they don't feel like making or are unable to make, post them here. I will try to make it (I'll tell you if it's possible), and they will hopefully be done within a month! Any type (embedded in TPT or standalone, it's your choice, although I can only compile a standalone for Windows)

  • QuentinADay
    9th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Could you make Gravtions like jacob1's mod but in script form?


    I would do it myself but i have no idea how...

    Edited once by QuentinADay. Last: 9th Feb 2014
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    10th Feb 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    Sure, you can expect it within 2 weeks, maybe sooner.

  • boxmein
    10th Feb 2014 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    An interface to select elements much more quickly than the element menu.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    10th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    ...Press E.


    (Although if you can give me the function I would use to set what element is selected, I could do it)

    Edited once by FeynmanLogomaker. Last: 10th Feb 2014
  • jacob1
    10th Feb 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    I thought we had a function to do that, but it looks like I haven't made it yet.

    Although in my mod it's tpt.set_selected(). Which takes 1-3 args to set the left, right, and ctrl+alt selected elements. Also you need to pass in the identifiers, ex. "DEFAULT_PT_STNE". If you don't give one / it's nil it won't change it, and I just noticed now but if you give it an invalid identifier it will crash the game :P. But I can fix that.
  • QuentinADay
    11th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    k thx!

  • FeynmanLogomaker
    11th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    No problem!


    Here it is:


    elements.allocate('AU3FGEN', 'GRVT')
    elements.element(elements.AU3FGEN_PT_GRVT, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_PHOT)), 'Name', 'GRVT2'), 'Description', 'Gravitons. Create Newtonian Gravity. Based off of gravitons from jacob1\'s mod'), 'Color', '0x00EE76'), 'MenuSection', '10'), 'Gravity', '0'), 'Flammable', '0'), 'Explosive', '0'), 'Loss', '0'), 'AirLoss', '0'), 'AirDrag', '0'), 'Advection', '1'), 'Weight', '0'), 'Diffusion', '0'), 'Collision', '0'), 'Properties', 0x10010 )

    local g = function(i, x, y, s, n)
    --Update Function
    if tpt.get_property ( "life" , i ) == 0 then

        tpt.set_property ( "life" , math.random ( 250 , 500 ) , i )

        tpt.set_property ( "vx" , math.random ( -5 , 5 ) , i )
        tpt.set_property ( "vy" , math.random ( -5 , 5 ) , i )

    simulation.gravMap ( x / 4 , y / 4 , 0.125 )
    tpt.element_func(g, tpt.element('GRVT2'))

    local function gfunc(i, r, g, b)
        return 1, 0x00010001, 255, 0, 238, 118, 255, 0, 238, 118
    tpt.graphics_func(gfunc, tpt.element("GRVT2"))


    It's still far from perfect, but I can keep working on it.


    And @Boxmein, I'm currently working on one for jacob1's mod, which can store the 10 most recently-used elements and display them in the bottom-right hand corner. Of course, in his mod, you can use the favorites menu, but it makes it just a bit faster.

    Edited 4 times by FeynmanLogomaker. Last: 7th Mar 2014
  • EvanLink
    15th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry for the necro, I jus want to make sure QuentinADay sees his script!


    -One of my numerous alts

  • QuentinADay
    25th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey thanks i havnt been on for quite a while