Spark help

  • anonynations
    28th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Helo, so I am new to the Powder toy. Today I tried to download and use a hand grenade made with powder toy. So the instructions say to spark the pin once then the spoon once, however, when I did that using th spark tool, nothing happened.


    What am I doing wrong?


    Also, there is an RPG-7 one I tried to use as well and it seems I need to press the trigger to shoot it, how do I do this as well?



  • minecraft-physics
    28th Jan 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    SPRK is an element that is put on top of a conductive element to mak it conduct electricity. Left click the SPRK icon in the Electronics menu, then apply left mouse again while your cursor is hovering above the patch of metal.
    Please consult the Wiki for more information.

  • jacksonmj
    28th Jan 2014 Developer 1 Permalink

    This might seem like a silly question, but did you unpause after sparking it? (spacebar, or the little button in the bottom right corner)

  • DanDuncombe
    28th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacksonmj (View Post)

     Definately not a silly question, when I first started TPT I simply could not work out why some saves were 'broken' (did not do anything) until I realised about pausing...