Customizable walls

  • funperson77
    25th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Since we are currently limited to 14 wall types, I think there should be a way to make customizable walls that can have certain properties edited. I have listed them below.


    Editable Properties:


      Elements/states (solids, liquids, gasses, etc.) that can pass through
      Elements/states that can be absorbed
      Elements/states that can be blocked
      Heat transferability
      Air/wind transferability
      Gravity ignorance (as in the gravity wall)
      Color and design


    In addition to these properties, there should also be a way of seeing what properties are assigned to a wall. This could be done by double clicking the wall, which will pull up a property selection menu. From there, you will be able to edit the properties of it.


    You will also be able to save walls you have created, and just as easily delete or re-edit them. The walls can be chosen in the regular Walls tab to the right,but you can double click the tab to create a new wall, or double click a pre-existing wall to edit it.



    There should be customizable walls where different properties can be edited such as elements that are blocked, elements that are absorbed, etc. There will also be a setting in which you can edit or delete pre-existing ones.

    Edited 3 times by funperson77. Last: 25th Jan 2014
  • Schneumer
    25th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah, this would be helpful. Walls should also be 1 pix thick and not 4 by 4.

  • h4zardz1
    25th Jan 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @Schneumer (View Post)

     its to correct/easier calculation of ambient heat and pressure. walls cannot be 1 pixel thick , EXCEPT the pressure and ambient heat zone change is becoming 1 pixel thick too,because that will ENTIRELY bug the powder toy game.

  • DanDuncombe
    27th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    So, what happens if you upload a save with a custom wall? Will the people who open the save have the new wall created for them? Or will it crash powder toy?

  • jacob1
    27th Jan 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    I expected this suggestion to be a little worse, but it actually could be possible with a little rewriting. Right now all checks for what can pass through / be blocked, and air / conductivity checks are hardcoded in a bunch of scattered if statements. Maybe if we had walls have properties more similar to elements this would work. Color / design are already stored in a way this would work with. Walls transferring heat isn't possible though.

    If we were to do this is would probably have to be done with lua, just like custom elements. An in game wall designer is a little weird, maybe someone could make a script to do it.

    I don't see it being done though, unless maybe someone makes a nice pull request :|. Because it is a little cool but not really necessary.

    @Schneumer (View Post)
    Walls can't be 1 pixel thick, because they are on the same grid as the air calculations. And 1px thick air makes the game unplayably laggy.

    @DanDuncombe (View Post)
    When you load a save with a custom lua element it's just deleted (unless you have that script on, then it actually will load the custom element). If this is similar it won't crash, it will just disappear unless you have the same wall.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    27th Jan 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Actually, you could have the custom wall data embedded in the save, sort of like particle properties.

  • jacob1
    27th Jan 2014 Developer 0 Permalink
    @FeynmanLogomaker (View Post)
    well yes, that would work too. There are a lot less wall properties than there are element properties, and if they didn't have update functions then maybe embedding the properties in saves would work.

    The only thing I can see, is it might confuse people slightly. Also we would probably want to delete the new walls when you close the save, or else conflicts would have to be handled, and other weirdness would happen.