I've seen alot of forks/mods do it... I know how to mod and have a mod I'm currently working on right now(I might not really publicly introduce it for a while) but how would I change the servers the mod is ran on, like where all the saves go. I've seen quite a few forks who are running on their own server, I self host a server as it is and all I need to know what to do is what to change in the source so that my mod runs on it's own server
It's really difficult to change the server by which it saves to. Right now TPT is so far in development that the code used to process save related items is complex.
At one point I wanted to try and build one, but as I just said it's complex for me. Besides if I did build one I had ideas of making it closed source and restricted use. Reaosn being is if there were 100+ servers out there is would devastate the population usage of the main server.