Hi. I used to compile PT a long time ago through visual studio, but yeah, that was a long time ago. I'm currently using Visual Studio Express C++ 2010. I've gone through the steps on the wiki thoroughly and have redone everything twice after trying to build the solution and coming up with quite a number of errors. Sorry to be a bother, and theres probably a really simply solution to this, but I seem to be getting an error like this for each element:
C:\Users\Nick 2\Documents\My Programs\Powder Toy\src\src\simulation/Elements.h(60): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ElementClasses.h': No such file or directory
1> ANAR.cpp
I've actually search the whole source for the header file 'ElementClasses.h', but couldn't find it.
I'd appreciate the help a heap. Thanks.
Yep, did just that. Here's the error list:
which python version do you use?
if you use 3.x.x it won't work, if you use 2.7.4 then I don't know the problem
Well I realised that I had python 3.3.2, so I uninstalled that, downloaded and installed 2.7.4, but it's giving me the very same error list, so...yeah. Anyway, I'm not overly worried about it, but thanks for the help. I got it compiled once before... haha, when I was in year 7 with......VS C++ 2010 Pro, I think it was, so would anyone recommend that I'd switch over to use that or would that not make a difference?
Well...I've unistalled Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express and I've installed Visual Studio Professional 2010, and I have to say, it's a lot better! I've only come up with one error:
1>required libraries\generated\ElementClasses.cpp(74): error C3861: 'Element_HFLM': identifier not found
This prevents me from compiling. I've run generator.py but that doesn't do anything. Does that error mean that there's no data for the element HFLM? I've looked for the HFLM element file but couldn't find it. Ha, I'm not even sure if it's a file. Is that a source code problem, or something I need to do?
Well I redid everything and got a completely clean source of Version 89.0 and this is what came up:
1>LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/INCREMENTAL' due to '/OPT:ICF' specification
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'shell32.lib'
This prevents me from compiling as well, so yeah, I don't know. I've searched for shell.lib, but yeah, nothing came up. Does this mean that shell32.lib is missing in 'required libraries' or...? I'd appreciate if anyone could help. Thanks