Ya, I am a little confused. I know about using the Left mouse, Middle mouse, and Right mouse buttons. But I see that the 'erase particals' button is always highlighted in a light blue, can I use it some how? I read on another post that you use caps lock some how but I really can't figure it out.... Help?
@SuperContraptionGuy (View Post)
that blue just means it is assigned to your right mouse button.
If you click another element with the right it will be assigned to that one and will be blue, too. You don't have to keep it on erase particles, and vice-versa with the left.
yes, but when I right click on another one, there is still a lighter blue around the erase. Is that just the icon or is it an actual selection?
The turquoise colour box is related to replace mode. Ctrl+alt click on a button to change it.
Replace mode is activated with the insert key, and it makes drawing with the brush replace existing particles instead of creating new particles in empty space. The turquoise rectangle is the element to be replaced. If the erase tool is selected, replace mode acts on all particles, otherwise only the selected element is replaced.
Edit: for example, Ctrl+Alt+click METL, left click INST, and press the Insert key on your keyboard. "[REPLACE MODE]" should show in the top left corner. Then draw all over a save to replace METL with INST in that save.