I have a problem! I will an element likes molten gold.
I have an code but i'm getting an element graphics likes water!
Here is the code:
local myNewElement = elements.allocate("MOD", "MLGL")
elements.element(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_LAVA))
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "Name", "MLGL")
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "Description", "Molten Gold")
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "Temperature", 2500)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "LowTemperature", 1500)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "LowTemperatureTransition", DEFAULT_PT_GOLD)
elements.property(elements.MOD_PT_MLGL, "MenuVisible", 1)</code>
Can someone help me?
Sorry for my bad english i'm dutch!
Ahhh. Simple.
local function glow_like_lava(i, colr, colg, colb)
return 1,0x00010000,255,255,69,0,255,255,69,0
You have to use RGB values for ",255,255,69,0,255,255,69,0"
The first 255 is for "i" I always make this 255.
The second is the color red, then the third is green, then the fourth is blue.
Then its firea which is always 255, and then red, green, blue again.
so heres a better example; 1,0x00010000,i,red,green,blue,firea,red,green,blue
Now the return 1,0x00010000 is the important part.
Thanks to boxmein I can show you these
#define PMODE 0x00000FFF
#define PMODE_NONE 0x00000000 // Particle is invisible
#define PMODE_FLAT 0x00000001 // Particle is visible, nothing view
#define PMODE_BLOB 0x00000002 // Blob Display-like
#define PMODE_BLUR 0x00000004 // Like WTRV, blurry around a small radius.
#define PMODE_GLOW 0x00000008 // Glowing.
#define PMODE_SPARK 0x00000010 // Like EMBR (Small). Proved by mrsalit0s
#define PMODE_FLARE 0x00000020 // Like EMBR (Medium).
#define PMODE_LFLARE 0x00000040 // Like DEST agitated. (Huge)
#define PMODE_ADD 0x00000080 // Adds to similar particle effect
#define PMODE_BLEND 0x00000100 // Blends multiple similar particle effects together
Since your making a lava type substance you would want to use
0x00010000 - Lava type
0x00020000 - Glows alot more. Brighter.
Hope this helped.
Looks like this is about closed up already, but...
You seem to be doing your code tags a bit wrong, you are supposed to do it in the HTML editor.