Sooo.....I'm going to just suggest some things, plain and simple. Maybe this will be for multiple suggestions, but I have two on my mind right now....
1. Antimatter Explosions
After watching some national geographic "Evacuate Earth", I have now learned that antimatter explodes with a HECK ton of energy when in contact with matter. This would not only make it more realistic, but allow for much more possibilities and variations in TPT.
Now, when it has its tmp at 0, it is normal antimatter. This will make it so no saves are broken. Now, if the tmp is at 1, the antimatter will explode after touching or destroying (your choice) one pixel that is the same type as the antimatter's ctype (possible?). The explosion will release the 2 pixels of photons at max temp and 1 pixel of max temp prot, and also max pressure. At ambient heat (if possible) a blast of max temp will also be released as just heat along with the pressure, photons, and protons (max temp). I don't think this is possible however, but who knows? It would make a series of ambient heat bombs..... ;)
However, to make a possible heating mech, void, dmnd, gpmp and etc. will not be destroyed by it. Anything indestructable to regular elements (with the exception of singularity) will NOT be destroyed by antimatter. With the exception of things like tesla coil, brel, exot, you know what I mean. ;)
Edit: After watching some wikipedia, I see that thunderstorms produce antimatter. So I request that the production can follow one route.....
After thdr/ligh hits something, it makes antimatter. However, this could break thunder bombs and lots of saves, so I don't think it will be a good idea. It could be a good idea for bowserinator's realistic mode, however.
Also, antimatter explodes one pixel at a time and does not explode on contact with any energy particles (photons, electrons, etc.) So one pixel of antimatter destroys one pixel and explodes and does not explode any other particles, unlike TNT.
Edit: Thanks to G_linuxorU for being a great help to this suggestion, we can make antimatter even more OP but still hard to use. After antimatter explodes, it will explode into two more antimatter that both release max heat, 125 pressure, and 1 max heat phot. Prot will be too op.
For this special antimatter, it might easier to make a new element called amt2, with the above properties. I don't know. Whichever way is easier for the mods, the better, but i was just not sure if it was possible with the current element, so maybe making an entirely new element would be easier. Just wondering. ;)
Edit: Is it possible to make the explosion emit orange (2 frame) bray to signify gamma rays? Otherwise, I have another solution.
Just make it like bomb, so when it explodes it makes a slightly bigger than bomb radius of max temp ember(or elec).
Antimatter power plants or Reactors
Laser heating
Nuclear Engines
Anything heat wise and explosive really...
The lols also.
Useless antimatter generators. (Tesla coil? Destructable, though.)
2. Saving particle order
Now, after some conv bugs of things that I think would revolutionize TPT(one of them, at least), Jacob1 has told me saving particle order would be really hard. Now...I am really desperate for this new heating mech, and if anyone wants to see it you can comment for it.
Now he said,
no, it's too complicated, and we don't need another save format. The one we have now works fine.
This deeply saddens me, as we can not exploit conv/pscn because of the way particle order works, so, if anyone can devise a simple way to save particle order and tell the mods, I would REALLY appreciate it!
Anything conv/pscn, which means...
Aray super cannons
Super Laser heating (I can show you)
Deut super cooling
Anything that needs heating or cooling, basically.
Thank you for taking the time to review these suggestions! :3 Have a nice day! (And no, I don't want a mod for it, sorry, because then no one could enter the save without the mod themselves....right??? ?:l)
No, these suggestion is not entirely realistic. Deal with it. :P
I love evacuate earth! This is similar to my realistic mode idea. I like it.
fair enough, jacob said it was really hard. Don't want you to waste your time! I got a solution.....for my save, that is. yay for antimatter. Okay, nevermind about particle order unless someone can do it and give it to the mods or something, but explosive antimatter, here we come! (If antimatter gave off even more elec when could be used with fusion.....wait, never mind.
uhhh....ok....wha? nm.
after reading wikiedia on antimatter i agree with your post and i have a suggestion that would make it easy to impliment, too. because in real life there are multiple antiparticles, AMTR should explode like neuclear snow when it comes into the element of its ctype.
wikipedia goes on to say antimatter has the same mass as its respective anti-particle. at the moment AMTR acts like a much heavier co2. so the weight of AMTR could be dependant on its ctype as well.
I'm going to go read wiki right now! ;)
Okay, we need to pump up antimatter A LOT if it is way stronger than fusion and such.....any ideas to make it stronger?
I don't know much about the TPT code but if you cross two lines of BRAY which are createdt the same time (one gets blocked and the other passes on) is the line of BRAY that passes determined by the particle order of the ARAY that created the BRAY? If so, it would be possible to speed some electronics up a little if particle order was saved.
wiki says AMTR explosions generate "high energy" photons, gamma rays, neutrinos and "lower mass AMTR-matter pairs."
i interpret high energy as either velocy, heat or a combination thereof. so the particles created from AMTR should be hot, and fast.
photons obviously already exist in the simulation, but ones created from AMTR should probably be a different color than those created from fusion.
neutrinos i interpret as protons as they pass through solid matter in the same ways. though i couldnt find any evidence protons are neutrinos. i think it's an accuracy within the simulation to create them from AMTR.
"lower mass AMTR-matter pairs." seems like the key to their destructive power. this type of AMTR would be a less-powerful SING. a dense AMTR particle with the density of MERC or URAN would decay in a massive neuclear snow explosion, but leaving behind another AMTR of less density, and the cycle would repeat until the AMTR "fuel" is exhausted. this is somewhat the opposite reaction to SING which duplicates, explodes, but doesnt ever "exhaust."
and these effects tie into this wonderful idea about AMTR in the PROT collision chain (before the creation of SING)
the only thing im clueless about sofar is the gamma ray bursts. i want to say "just heat things up within BOMB radius" to simulate them, but i dont know if that would be accurate.