I will admit that I am a n00b at using lua and the lua console commands, but I think it might be broken on my version of Mavericks. (braces for apple-flames).
But it seems that functions starting with only tpt.(function) don't seem to work for me, but tpt.el.(element).(property)=(number) does.
When I try to use tpt.set_property("type","grav","dust") with some GRAV on the screen, the GRAV remains unchanged.
tpt.setfpscap(120) also doesn't work when I type that exact phrase into the console.
However, tpt.el.lolz.menu=1 and tpt.el.lolz.menusection=11 also work.
Am I just using the console incorrectly or is it a bug?
My bad, I didn't read the wiki correctly. Thanks mniip!