OSX luaconsole

  • minecraft-physics
    9th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I will admit that I am a n00b at using lua and the lua console commands, but I think it might be broken on my version of Mavericks. (braces for apple-flames).


    But it seems that functions starting with only tpt.(function) don't seem to work for me, but tpt.el.(element).(property)=(number) does.


    When I try to use tpt.set_property("type","grav","dust") with some GRAV on the screen, the GRAV remains unchanged.

    tpt.setfpscap(120) also doesn't work when I type that exact phrase into the console.


    However, tpt.el.lolz.menu=1 and tpt.el.lolz.menusection=11 also work.


    Am I just using the console incorrectly or is it a bug?

    Edited once by minecraft-physics. Last: 9th Nov 2013
  • mniip
    10th Nov 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    tpt.set_property(property,what should be the result,what particles should be matched)

    tpt.setfpscap() doesn't magically improve your fps, it only moves the cap. if you weren't getting 60 fps before, you won't notice any change.
  • minecraft-physics
    10th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    My bad, I didn't read the wiki correctly. Thanks mniip! 

    Edited 2 times by minecraft-physics. Last: 10th Nov 2013