1.How to edit multiple files in one commit?
2.How to delete commits?
git commit file1.txt file2.txt -m "added DRM to text files"
git checkout -- file.txt
git reset HEAD
git reset --soft HEAD^or rather
git revert HEADthen commit again with new changes. This is basically inverting the changes of a commit.
git reset --hard HEAD^but that is a Very Bad Thing™
And for the same reasons I don't bother trying to remember a lot of GUI things, I find them harder to remember.
in vim w stands for write, q stands for quit, etc, that comes rather naturally to me.
In a GUI I have to remember what an option is called and under what menu it sits. Of course, I still have to remember that : is for commands in vim, but I find the mental effort much smaller than remembering menu stuff.
Sometimes command line is easier, sometimes a GUI, its not pointless to remember a command line client or a GUI client if it is easier than the alternatives.