New Element: DIRT

  • lefouduroi
    30th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Idea is to add a new element/tool: DIRT with RGB hex color #8b4513 paired with a few colored with hex color #778899


    Purpose for use:

    Decoration purposes and for use with plant and wood. It would be used like a normal weight powder lighter than stone or concrete but heavier than dust or gunpowder.

  • billion57
    30th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    We have the decoration editor already.

    "for use with plant and wood"- What use?

    This suggestion is not original, detailed, or special.

    Give more uses/detail, and if you want it in, make it interesting in some way.

  • lefouduroi
    30th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    This is exactly what I mean and I completely agree with this...

    Thank you Xetalim.


    What I mean by for use with plant and wood is that if you were to put some plant in it it would grow into the shape of a tree with wood or something like that.

    also with plant it could be an alternate way to grow because of nutrients in your everyday dirt.


    I also like the idea of when you mix clay with it the clay doesn't go into a stacking formation. Instead its properties would be that of a normal powder.

    Edited once by lefouduroi. Last: 30th Sep 2013
  • xetalim
    30th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @lefouduroi (View Post)
    With that post i meant this is suggested a lot of times and rejected a lot of times.
    I posted that to say no.
  • Incredy
    30th Sep 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    "Decoration purposes and for use with plant and wood."

    That's such a common phrase. Use deco tool.

    And I think you might want to add some more information about this element you are suggesting, such as it's melting point, reactions to different elements, conducts or not, etc.

    Only posting the use and color is just not enought

    sorry for my english
  • lefouduroi
    30th Sep 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Incredy, yeah you're right but that's why I put the link. I think those conditions are fine.


    and xetalim, why was it rejected?


    I would like it to just have the same properties of normal everyday dirt. Obiously it would not conduct SPRK

    Edited once by lefouduroi. Last: 30th Sep 2013
  • Catelite
    1st Oct 2013 Former Staff 3 Permalink
    It was probably rejected because it'd have to do something absolutely fantastic, mundane elements aren't very attractive to modders unless they're just making what people tell them to.

    I could totally see DIRT being a thing if it somehow killed fusion, could explode violently in bombs in a shrapnel fashion, could never melt but still have some sort of variable property that turns it into weird glass, etc.
  • R3APER
    1st Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Catelite (View Post)
    Weird glass. Now that's a thought. Perhaps a new dual set of reactive "dirt/gravel" Elements.
  • lefouduroi
    1st Oct 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Catelite (View Post)

     thank you for at least showing a little support. After all that is one of the main reason why I put some new ideas up for debate... for the modders to be able to sum up all the ideas added on and make it into an element that people could actually use.


    I do encourage ALL viewers to comment on what they think the properties should be and why or why not it should be an element.