Element suggestion - an old idea renewed

  • Kikinicij
    26th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Recently I have decided to post this on the from since it got very popular even getting fp and upward of 40 +1s so I figured Ill sugest it here. It is an old one yes but I have added on to it to make it better and by getting the help on the form it is sure to get put in the game in the near future. Here it is.


    The first is DIRT. One reason this one is fueled to live on as a common want is simple: it is a good suggestion. I have provided an outline of some properties I think would suit it if it is ever considered.






    - Its a powder

    - It would have the multi-shading like clay dust has

    - It would be from a semi-light oak color to a dark brown oak color in shading




    - Melting point: 1075 degrees

    - When cooling is done the result will be a an even mix of sand, stone, and broken quartz

    - No reaction inside of a reaction will happen (For example, sand will not turn into glass during the dirt turing into sand until the first reaction is complete)

    - When mixed with water, which the dirt will absorb, equal to itself it will begin to turn into MUD




    - Will destroy any energy particles that touch its surface (ex. nuet, phot, elec, can not touch with DIRT or    they will 'disapper')

    - If heated to 5000 degrees or higher the molten DIRT will begin to give off water vapor particles as in real life dirt actually does contain slight moisture contents

    - Will have a density equal to sand and broken coal but lighter than concrete and broken metle but heavier than the rest of the powders


    Thats is the conclusion of DIRT which brings us to MUD.






    - Its a liquid

    - A very dark brown (probley as dark as DIRT, a dark brown oak color, also one solid color, no shading)




    - Would act like bizar (can 'stain' things brown but can not be colored any other color to stain with)

    - If frozen at -45 degrees would become FZMD or frozen mud

    - If salt is added to it then it is baked at 350 degrees all in a quick process, it will become BRCK

    - If plant is added to it then it will be able to grow but it will all be stained brown because of its staining property

    - If a stickman is droped into MUD he will of course become brown... and will lose about 1 point of life per second because he is in a way playing in an exstreamly nullifyied form of acid or corrosive liquid

    - Putting soap into MUD will convert it to water ;)




    - It will have some great insulating properties. It will not be able to evaporte and will only lose either heat or cool temps at .5 degrees per second so as a result it could become a very usefull liquid insulator

    - It won't be conductive, although I may change this based on what you guys think


     And that sums up the overview of MUD.



    Please comment and tell me what you think.


     I worked hard to create this preview of these two elements so please be kind. If you think something should be changed tell me and I will look into it. Feedback is welcome and helpful. Thanks, Kikinicij.



  • Cacophony
    26th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Hey,shouldn't this be in Feedback?

  • Kikinicij
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Mabey.... how would you do that?

  • Cacophony
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think you ask the moderators.

  • Sylvi
    26th May 2013 Moderator 4 Permalink

    What sort of uses does this have and how would it improve further saves?

  • Kikinicij
    26th May 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    Well theres several things. First, theres the happiness that comes with new element updates and there are tons of saves involving it. That increases the creativity of TPT in general for a while. Then theres the new idea to it. As far as I can tell there is no liquid insulator in the game and dirt might be usefull if not just for nice deco purpous but the useful one is actually mud. It could add new types of water purifyers and reactors involving mud and soap and many other things I have yet l to think up and people have yet to suggest. If you actually are interested in this then tell me and I will improve it and detail it a bit more.

  • Kikinicij
    29th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think it would be quite useful.

  • CatAnimation
    5th Nov 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • CubicApocalypse
    5th Nov 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    I think deleting energy particles is a little overpowered for dirt. It should absorb them, where the energy particle's temperature is instantly added to the dirt particle's temperature.

  • KydonShadow
    6th Nov 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Personally, I have been waiting for this idea for a long time. The dirt does seem a bit overpowered though, but other than that, I completely agree.