Here is a save I made:
Use 89.0 beta version: FRME on the top broke.
Use 88.1 release version: PSTN has something wrong with it:
EDIT: I changed PSTN.cpp and it seems to work perfectly on both bugs: (Hope it works, I'm not very sure)
//#TPT-Directive ElementHeader Element_PSTN static int CanMoveStack(Simulation * sim, int stackX, int stackY, int directionX, int directionY, int maxSize, int amount, bool retract, int block)
int Element_PSTN::CanMoveStack(Simulation * sim, int stackX, int stackY, int directionX, int directionY, int maxSize, int amount, bool retract, int block)
int posX, posY, r, spaces = 0, currentPos = 0, num = 0;
if (amount <= 0)
return 0;
for(posX = stackX, posY = stackY; currentPos < maxSize + amount && currentPos < XRES-1; posX += directionX, posY += directionY) {
if (!(posX < XRES && posY < YRES && posX >= 0 && posY >= 0)) {
r = sim->pmap[posY][posX];
if (sim->IsWallBlocking(posX, posY, 0) || (block && (r&0xFF) == block))
return num;
if(!r) {
tempParts[currentPos++] = -1;
if(spaces >= amount)
} else {
if(spaces < maxSize && currentPos < maxSize && (!retract || ((r&0xFF) == PT_FRME) && posX == stackX && posY == stackY))
tempParts[currentPos++] = r>>8;
return num;*/
if (spaces)
return currentPos;
return 0;
@jacob1 Spark PSCN. PSTN should push until GLAS but... Yes, I already know knew known this.
Beta one: Spark that button and wait. You can see that FRME breaks.
Also you can try use my code, I tested and both didn't get glitchy.