Step one
Make a new email adress.
Step two
Make a new account.
Step three
Step four
Eat potatoes.
Then let me make it better.
Step one Make a new email adress.
Step two
Make a new account.
Step three
Step four
Eat cake.
Don't rely too much on the mods, they have this game called "Real Life" (version 1.1! Now with more bugs...) and they can't go on all day and fulfill every players name change/account deletion. But don't worry, i'm sure Simon will go on...i hope.
Go away.
Moderators cannot delete accounts or change someone's username. The only person who can do that is Simon, who is rather busy and doesn't tend to appear very often these days.
I don't think an account has ever actually been deleted though. If we want to get rid of someone, we just perm ban them, but that doesn't delete any content (it only unpublishes all saves). And I don't think perm banning would let you use the same email address again.
Username changes (changing the name of an existing account, not deleting and creating a new one) have happened occasionally.