A useful electronic element suggestion.

  • powder99999
    20th Aug 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    CIRC (Circuit), An element that could be used to majorly decrease the size of electronic creations.

    -It would be a dark grey colour. 

    -Left clicking on it would open a 16*16 window (like the zoom window) that you can place elements in.

    -Conductors on the edge of the window will conduct to and from that side of the pixel of CIRC.

    -At 2000 degrees kelvin it would turn into 1 pixel of BREL

    -It is destroyed by acid, caus, bomb, dest, amtr, sing, deleting cray, etc.

    -It is immune to pressure.

    -It wouldn't be able to be created by CRAY, CLNE, BCLN, PBCN, PCLN.

    -There would be a limit of 100 pixels of CIRC on the screen at once to prevent lag.

    -Other possible names, CHIP, MCHP.


    I don't know how hard it would be to code and put in the game but it would be really useful if it was possible.

    Edited once by powder99999. Last: 20th Aug 2013
  • Mihobre
    20th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    this is a great idea

  • mniip
    20th Aug 2013 Developer 2 Permalink
    let's imagine there are 16 electronic elements, that's 4 bits, 16x16 gives 256 particles, which is 1024 bits, or 128 bytes. current particle format only allows around 18 bytes per particle
  • craZchick
    20th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    interesting idea.


  • mniip
    20th Aug 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    what's more interesting, someone has to replace like all particle lookup code with one that supports there "warps", that'd lag a lot, IMO