ideas that would make the life easier

  • mixorin
    18th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    1-possibility to change your votes. hey you know that moment when you publish a save that you been working for a week and you are very excited because you think you can became famous and then someone with a bad mouse that is trying to vote up accidently vote down and then your save is screwed up? well i find this very annoying and i don't think there is any reason to don't agree

    2-report/remove saves. Well you probably know that in tpt reporting is very easy and commom, but after some time i find out that report or delete a comment is technically impossible. Even if it never happend to me i am pretty sure that some hater on a famous save said f#@k you and other things like that. so a report button or the option for the author to delete a commnt would be nice

    3-temperature of the console in celsius or fahrenheit. well i know that tpt whant to be really accurate in scientific methods but i don't think everyone know how to convert kelvin into celsius. infact is really annoying when you are working with a lot of portals and to change the heat you use prop tool, and everytime you need to go in the web to try convert celsius into kelvin.

    4-more pixels options.well you know when you are working on a really complicated atomic bomb and then it works perfectly, but it is not as powerful as it should be because the game cannot simulate more than 226125 pixels in a save. So if there would be a options to make the game simulate 500000 pixels that would  

    made more satisfactions for all the nuclear bombers in tpt

    5-ctrl+m. you know that moment when you using ctrl+s to made wathever you want to build more fast but sometimes you need to mirror something and because you don't have a mirror command in the stamp you will need rebuild all over again but mirrored. if during a stamp you could mirror the immage with ctrl+m

    that would be great.


    so those are my ideas, if you like or dislike my opinions please comment and express your ideas, thanks.

  • Pilihp64
    18th Aug 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    @mixorin (View Post)

    2. Report the save and mention it is about comments.

    5. Mirror is ctrl+shift+r.

    Edited once by cracker64. Last: 18th Aug 2013
  • boxmein
    18th Aug 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @mixorin (View Post)
    >3-temperature of the console in celsius or fahrenheit.
    Celsius can be done easily with luaconsole (just add +273.15 after a celsius temperature value).
    Fahrenheit is fairly purposeless as a single major country in the world still officially uses it. We all want you to change to the SI. You're the only stubborn one left.
    @mixorin (View Post)
    And I really doubt you'll need more. You can always compile a larger version. It'll be far far far slower though.
  • Cacophony
    18th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    *Sees title* Oh dear...


    1.I can see this being remotely useful,but honestly,I think you can just repost the save.And really,"i don't think there is any reason to don't agree"? Come on.


    2.Report to mods about comments with the Report button.


    3.The display actually is already in Celsius since the lowest temperature is -273.15,rather than 0. Fahrenheit is really only useful if you're in the US,Liberia, or Burma.So,no.


    4.What are you saying?Honestly,from what I'm reading,I think this has more to do with your own computer than TPT itself if you're talking about making it faster.If you're talking about more space, then just make the bomb smaller.If you want to see how powerful it is, you don't have to have more space, just put it in a bomb tester. There's tons them.


    5.Already have that.

  • jacob1
    19th Aug 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    1. I also wish for this, it just hasn't been added ... maybe i'll ask Simon sometime soon. Edit: do you mean to change your own votes on other people's saves? That's what i'm talking about.

    2. Just report the save, even if it's your own, we just see it like any normal post, tell us whatever you want in there.

    3. I plan to add things like !set temp all 1234C or !set temp all -400F, although the default will always be kelvin. For lua you will have to add the amount yourself, just add 273.15 to all your temperatures. I actually made this one time months ago, before I had push access to the repo, but it was never merged in. I probably need to do the same to PROP first then i'll put it in.

    4. we can't increase the size, sorry. It just wouldn't make sense and it would make tpt use more memory and cause way more lag. Most computers can't handle half a million particles at once.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 18th Aug 2013
  • Sylvi
    19th Aug 2013 Moderator 1 Permalink

    1. Would be nice, but if it had a change time limit. The reason being someone may end up having sour grapes a year later and just switch all their votes.

  • jacob1
    19th Aug 2013 Developer 2 Permalink
    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)
    nice idea, but I think the larger problem is that people are allowed to just downvote all of a user's saves without anyone knowing. If they want to downvote all of someone's saves, chances are they never upvoted them in the first place anyway.

    I think a downvote limit or at least notifying an op when a user spams downvotes to one user would be better (which is unrelated to the suggestion now anyway)