-> Platinum <-
Boiling Water
Sand Stone
1st. Wrong Section - https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=1289 @devast8a - This should be in feedback.
2nd. https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=3819, please follow these guidelines; they assist everyone reading your ideas.
3rd. If you want to see these implemented now (some of your suggestions are often suggested (plastic, dirt, obsidian)) make a mod; if you don't know how, hop on over to the wiki!
Sorry if I came off as mean, or sharp; I was trying to assist you with future posts!
you need to give more info and useful things i will give you example
Plastic : solid melt in a low temp (for example) 200C colour (for example) 0xFF0070c1
i gave you small example you can make it longer to help the developer
and if you know modding TPT give them the codes of the element
Your post is almost the same as this thread. READ THE LAST LINE OF THAT THREAD
Description: Dirt. Formed when SMKE touches a kind of solid. When it don't touch any kind of solid or itself, it acts like a gas, otherwise it acts like 'Pasted on that solid' and will not move.
Color: The same as SMKE. Hidden element.
Plastic? What's the difference between Plastic and GOO in-game?
Platinum? What's the difference between Platinum and TTAN in-game?
Obsidian? What's the difference between Obsidian and STNE in-game?
Boiling water? What's the difference between Boling water and WATR in-game? If you need it, then put some DIRT inside normal WATR.
Grass? What's the difference between PLNT and Grass in-game?
Sandstone? Wool? Steel? Star? Silver? I don't want to repeat the same question. What can it do, and can't be done with the current elements?
I think when he said boiling water he meant like... boiling water. Not just exploding water when it's at 100 Temp.
Platinum is the strongest metl to man ttan is like worthless compared to it platinum will be a good bomb testing material
Give more details on the other elements,please.
Personally, I don't really think your platinum is very useful given the properties, since TTAN and GOLD are good bomb testing materials themselves.
LOL You get banned?
Right. I meant 'clean water'. I thought 'TPT can easily make water boil like that in real life and the author must know that'