New ideas

  • AgileAsassian
    15th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink



     -> Platinum <-


    Boiling Water


    Sand Stone





  • webb
    15th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    1st. Wrong Section - @devast8a - This should be in feedback.

    2nd., please follow these guidelines; they assist everyone reading your ideas. 

    3rd. If you want to see these implemented now (some of your suggestions are often suggested (plastic, dirt, obsidian)) make a mod; if you don't know how, hop on over to the wiki!

    Sorry if I came off as mean, or sharp; I was trying to assist you with future posts!

    Edited 3 times by webb. Last: 15th Aug 2013
  • jacksonmj
    15th Aug 2013 Developer 1 Permalink

    Moved to feedback section.


    Element ideas need descriptions of what the elements do, explaining why they would be interesting or useful.

  • Protcom
    15th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @AgileAsassian (View Post)

     you need to give more info and useful things i will give you example

    Plastic : solid melt in a low temp (for example) 200C colour (for example) 0xFF0070c1 

    i gave you small example you can make it longer to help the developer

    and if you know modding TPT give them the codes of the element 

    Edited 2 times by Protcom. Last: 31st Jul 2014
  • china-richway2
    15th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Your post is almost the same as this thread. READ THE LAST LINE OF THAT THREAD



    Description: Dirt. Formed when SMKE touches a kind of solid. When it don't touch any kind of solid or itself, it acts like a gas, otherwise it acts like 'Pasted on that solid' and will not move.

    Color: The same as SMKE.   Hidden element.


    Plastic? What's the difference between Plastic and GOO in-game?

    Platinum? What's the difference between Platinum and TTAN in-game?

    Obsidian? What's the difference between Obsidian and STNE in-game?

    Boiling water? What's the difference between Boling water and WATR in-game? If you need it, then put some DIRT inside normal WATR.

    Grass? What's the difference between PLNT and Grass in-game?

    Sandstone? Wool? Steel? Star? Silver? I don't want to repeat the same question. What can it do, and can't be done with the current elements?

  • hittox
    15th Aug 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @china-richway2 (View Post)

    I think when he said boiling water he meant like... boiling water. Not just exploding water when it's at 100 Temp.

  • Sylvi
    15th Aug 2013 Moderator 3 Permalink

    This thread is similar to an example I gave of how not to suggest elements. I think you should go back through and read the guidelines for suggestions and make sure none of those are rejected.

  • AgileAsassian
    15th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @AgileAsassian (View Post)

     Platinum is the strongest metl to man ttan is like worthless compared to it platinum will be a good bomb testing material

  • Cacophony
    15th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @AgileAsassian (View Post)

     Give more details on the other elements,please.


    Personally, I don't really think your platinum is very useful given the properties, since TTAN and GOLD are good bomb testing materials themselves.

  • china-richway2
    16th Aug 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    LOL You get banned?


    @hittox (View Post)

    Right. I meant 'clean water'. I thought 'TPT can easily make water boil like that in real life and the author must know that'

    Edited once by china-richway2. Last: 16th Aug 2013