I had this idea for a element for the forces section. All the info is in a save called "element ROTR" I would greatly apriciate it if you were to look at it.
Thankyou for your time,
user 1Dascool1
Edited by jacksonmj: added link to save
Edit-jacob1: no it won't make it into my mod :P
Man, I really dislike it when you have to peer into a save to get into the details. It's just so unnecessary.At least you just look at it from your browser rather than view it in TPT.
Anyway,moving solids aren't possible in TPT due to its coding. I can't see much use for this element, given that it can push solids, which I don't see much use of. Also, it's likely that this element is gonna be so buggy, it's more practical to use a simple detector wall or sensor.