New elements and features!

  • awesomemachines
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    For features, I suggest putting a microscope view. Like pressing Z to use zoom, you should be able to press M to use microscope. When in microscope mode you could see 3x3 atoms and molecules. So if you break an atom by using a breaking tool (another thing to consider), or erase at least one piece, instanly the object you broke will explode into a huge nuclear bomb, making the most powerfull bomb ever.


    For elements, first dirt, just like powder, but turns to mud with water, and is slightly heavier than dust. Mud is wet dirt, its really a liqiud but is thick almost like a powder.


    I think there should be quicksand, what you create when you set the ctype of sand to mud. It will sink stkm,powders,and fighters if they stay in it for more than 5 seconds, there will be no escape.


    If you look it up from correctly from the internet, diamond can actually melt and break, its not really indestructable, in case you didn't know, but then again you probaly did but wanted something indestructable that wasn't a wall.


    Photons laser are pretty complicated, maybe it would help if you added laser as an element to make it extremly hot as soon as it comes on screen,instead of heating the photons up. It also dosent leave the line, so when you set it together, a single particle won't leave the line. Some people like cold photon lasers, so you should add cold laser too.


    Nuclear waste. It would be green and glows and would poison stkm at normal tempature. Nuclear waste would, mutate stkm into superheros, with flying powers, laser vision, could not be changed with dropping elements on him or prop, and incredible health, and he would grow more and more with water, until he was two inhces tall on the screen at high tempertures, it also give him an awesome cape and plasma and fire resistance. At low temperatures it would mutate him to turn a nasty green color and would shoot out acid, same rule with superhero, he would also have two heads. Sadly, no super health,capes, or flying.These effects will also, work on fighters, but instead of superheros they will become supervillans, with cold laser, and half the health.


    One more suggestion, seeds to grow trees( just wood and plant, shaped like a tree),flammable!


    Please consider moving solids! Thanks for telling me that breaking an atom won't cause an explosion, I thought it did, I looked it, up and only some do, and it's an explosion of energy. and stkm don't drown in water. Wood and vine is boring it's never realistic enough, and I wanted to see something grow. They added Jetboots, so why wouldn't they add super powers. A lot of people want more than realistic stuff. Most superheros got thier powers, from radioactive things, think about spiderman and hulk. No one criticizes the zombie idea. I read the comments the other day, but, no, apparently it's a perfect idea. I edited this because of some of the comments.


    (edited by moderator: paragraphs added)

  • plead-for-destruction
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @awesomemachines (View Post)
    PLEASE.... Paragraph.. :(

    I didn't read the entire thing due to the above problem but from what I read it sounds like you're just trolling.

    This being said, if you weren't it's a no to pretty much all of them.

    The old community moto:
    If you want it, code it yourself.
  • Michael238
    8th Jul 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    @awesomemachines (View Post) 

    One of the best walls of text I've seen in a while. Let's have a look at your suggestions:


    microscope view: Breaking an atom does not cause an explosion. Other than that, this has no use.


    dirt: Just make a mixture of SAND and CLST.


    mud: Just add WATR to CLST to make PSTE.


    quicksand: Same as your mud suggestion. You could also have ICE with the ctype LAVA.


    breakable diamond: DMND is not actual diamond. DMND is really supposed to be an indestructable wall particle.


    lasers: Just a beam of PHOT moving in one direction. If that is too complicated, use hot ARAY.


    cold lasers: Same as above, but with cold PHOT or ARAY instead.


    nuclear waste: Real nuclear waste does NOT mutate living things. It is either so weakly radioactive that it does not cause much (if any) in terms of biological harm, or it is so strongly radioactive that it simply causes radiation poisoning or death. Also, it does have the ability to mutate cells into cancer, but as far as entire mutated organisms, that would be impossible.


    seeds: Just use a pixel of VINE.  


    EDIT: You can make a tree by drawing the trunk and branches with WOOD and then add a few pixels of VINE. The VINE will spread along the WOOD, creating PLNT.


    moving solids: Would practically require a recode of the game engine to support this.

  • hittox
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @Michael238 (View Post)

    Just a pixel of VINE doesn't make a tree...

  • xetalim
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @Michael238 (View Post)

     it would not require a recode of the game engine to make moving solids-_-

    it is just hard to code

  • jenn4
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    Yes it would. The current game engine can't simulate particles sticking together like they should do, in order to be create moving solids. The game engine was not made for that, it can't support doing so. The engine would have to be re-written in order to make moving solids.
  • xetalim
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @jenn4 (View Post)

     jacob1's mod moving solids?

    you can make a very long update text:D

  • plead-for-destruction
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @xetalim (View Post)
    Jacob invested quite a large amount of time into that..

    And with all the stupid noob suggestions they don't really have time to focus on it.
  • greymatter
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink
    @awesomemachines (View Post)
    AW GAWD! greymatter's analysis:

    >Microscope view

    Just press Z and scroll. And Erasing atoms won't cause explosions -_-

    >Mud and Dirt

    Suggested and rejected before. Game over.


    Stickman drowns in water. Just put some powders over water.

    >Destroyable diamond

    Most of us know that. We are not a bunch of 7 year olds. When it was first added, it was indestructible, and if it was made destroyable now, half the saves in TPT will break.

    >Hot and Cold lasers

    Use hot and cold ARAY.

    >Nuclear waste.

    Good element, wrong description. It kills people, not mutate them. And Stickmen villains and stickmen superheroes? In the beta 88.0, you have jetpack stickman. More than enough.

    >Moving solids
    Please consider reading this page:

    Conclusion: Thank god he didn't say TPT needs sound..
  • hittox
    8th Jul 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    @greymatter (View Post)

    Stickman doesn't drown in water...

    And also, I think he meant that if you break an atom it will create a chain reaction because breaking one atom would create neutron and energy and the neutron can break another atom and... well, BOOOM.

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