I was thinking of making some pixel art to upload but I was hit by a roadblock that also was my reason for wanting to draw it; I love the explosion that comes from pixel art who's colors are defined by the element color, not decoration color, but when the elements can't be organized into a "color wheel" or similar thing, it is hard to know which is the best choice when some elements have similar colors (ARAY, WIRE, SPNG, GEL, GOLD are all near identical.) So I wonder if anyone has posted a list of elements and their colors in hex, rgb, hsv, etc. or if there is a file in the game's source code or elswhere that details this. (Keep in mind that I use a Mac.)
Here is a list I've just made of the element colours (as used on the menu buttons) in CSV format ("name,R,G,B"). Note that many elements change colour according to their properties - WIFI has different colours depending on its temperature, photons can be coloured, SPNG and GEL change colour depending on the amount of absorbed water, etc. This list does not take these factors into account, it just lists the colours used for the menu buttons.
I sense CGI...