LINK element

  • randalserrano
    3rd Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Basically what this element does is opens a new save page when sparked. Lets say you have a save that is too large to fit in a single save. This element will fix that by opening the second save after the first save has been shown. So if you have an electronic maze for instance, it would be continued without any problem on the next save. But of course, you would have to make sure that everything is running in the next save correctly in order for it to continue. Please keep the flaming down to a minimum and I would love to hear feedback.

  • cyberdragon
    3rd Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I suggested this before...for some reason they didn't understand. O_o

  • ZebraGoBoom
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    So basically, this would allow for automated sim. transitions? Nice idea, though i dont know if its possible to code. I really don't know when anything is possible to code anyways, i dont know why i say that.

  • cyberdragon
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think it is possible, but I need to know what file opens saves, not the one that makes them. If you put that in an element function, it may work. (maybe, depending on how saves are opened)


    EDIT: Much better idea, open the save with the element (id plugged into a property) the same way they are opened from the website.

  • randalserrano
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I am glad someone has actually understood what I am saying. I think this would be useful to those people that want to make extenstions of saves.

  • sandstorm
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    can't you open saves with lua? we just need a lua element then.

  • CubicApocalypse
    4th Jun 2013 Member 6 Permalink

    No, people would use this to advertise their saves by forcing people to load them.

  • Uranium
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Maybe they could make it that it won't conduct from anything else but it will conduct if you hit it with SPRK yourself. I hope you understand me.

  • minecraft-physics
    4th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Uranium (View Post)

     That would defeat the purpose... perhaps there can be a limit of exactly 1 LINK pixel per save?

  • jacob1
    4th Jun 2013 Developer 3 Permalink
    I agree with CubicApocalypse. People would just go way too far in advertising their saves and it would get annoying. Since I can't edit saves the only thing I could possibly do it just unpublish the super annoying ones. I could also imagine a save that has links to thousands of other saves, possibly itself on all of them, which would then create an infinite loop of save opening.

    So no, I think people will abuse this too much. Normal Link signs should be enough if you want to continue something.
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