Movement Sensor MSNS

  • minecraft-physics
    1st Jun 2013 Member 4 Permalink

    An Idea for a new element... hopefullyit hasn't been suggested before. Others have suggested similar elements for generators etc. but hopefully this will be simplest to understand and implement :D


    Basic Characteristics:

    • Colour: bright green 0xFF00FF08
    • Category: Sensors
    • Destructability: same as other sensors (i.e. vulnerable to ACID, BOMB etc.)
    • Phase: solid
    • Descripsion: "Movement sensor. Will generate a spark when particles enter or leave the search area"

    Sensor behaviour:

    • Motion in any form. This means:
    • Solids pushed by pistons
    • Liquids flowing or being pushed by pistons
    • Gasses moving or being pushed by pistons
    • Itself being pushed past a reference point by PSTN
    • MSNS is sensetive to particle number, so will generate a spark even if the number of similar particles in the search area stays the same
    • Range is set by tmp2 similar to DTEC
    • possible to restrict sensor to detecting only one element, set by ctype (i.e. MSNS(WTRV) will only notice particles of WTRV's motion). Will detect any motion if ctype is 0.
    • has a minimum speed to detect motion, set by life. at life 0 will detect any motion, any non-zero life is measured in millipixels per frame (life 1000 =1pixel/frame)
    • has a variety of detection modes set by tmp:
      • 0=generate a spark if a particle enters or leavees the search radius
      • 1=generate a spark in the direction of motion (i.e. pointing to destination of particle, generated constantly when a particle is in search area, found by taking arctan(vy/vx) then rounding to 45° increments
      • 2=same as (1), but points in opposite direction (i.e. to source)
      • note that (1) and (2) are still sensitive to PSTN
    • same conductive properties as DTEC


    The most obvious application would lie in generators for power plants, as DTEC will constantly spark even if steam is not moving. Could be used to automatically stop PSTN once it stops moving, detect when a nuke is exploding, determine flow rates for exact quantities of water using PIPE, among other things. Removes the need to set up complicated systems of DTEC to determine speed.

  • xetalim
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)


    i like the idea of it

  • greymatter
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    Me like. Don't know about the coding though.
  • Cacophony
    1st Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    So wait, it's like the detector wall,but with better mechanics? Great idea. I like it.

  • jacob1
    1st Jun 2013 Developer 1 Permalink
    Except for detecting piston movement (not really possible or useful), this does look good and possible to make. The sensors menu was intended to have a lot of sensors like this one in it.

    For piston, since it needs to be sparked to be moving at all i'm sure you can just use the same spark that moved it to detect motion or something, uses are pretty limited in adding all the code to actually detect what it pushed, and it would need to keep a list of all particles around it and where they are.
  • Potbelly
    2nd Jun 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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    2nd Jun 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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