Ads May Have Malware

  • cyberdragon
    29th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I am posting this because I just killed what appeared to be some sort of crappy trojan. I had to turn off my computer. I am posting this in feedback because it may have come from YOUR WEBSITE! It was (very poorly) disguised as an ad. You have ads. The only other things I had open were a business site, pastebin(suspect), and a C forum(two windows, suspect). I'll check my browsing history to find the URLs.

  • jacob1
    29th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    ads on the tpt are definitely not the only way to get trojans, the odds are small. Chances are it came from one of the huge number of websites you go to every day. They don't always have to show up as soon as you get them either.

    I don't know what you expect us to do, remove the ad because of a .0001% chance of the ad provider being hacked and remove Simon's only source of money from tpt? Almost every other website already has ads.

    Even when an ad provider is hacked, it's usually very temporary. That happened to the minecraft forums once, and they still have ads, so we aren't going to remove them because of a very small chance you may have got a trojan from here.
  • cyberdragon
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    No, no one seems to get this. You (and everyone else) has Ad Choices advertising (Ad Ware). Look them up...I don't think it was a hacker. I think it was absolutely intentional, FROM your ad provider. (not specifically from this site) Just look them up, they seem like they would want to hack you. In fact, click on an ambiguos ad that says DOWNLOAD or PLAY NOW. See where (or what) it takes you. It's most likely one of their obscure websites full of more adware (or worse). 


    My point: Conspirecy. Mission: Suck your personal information from your computer and sell it to more people who will do it again. Harm: an unintentional side effect.


    From what I can see they are mostly for self profit. IN FACT I think I have proof. (can't seem to get the code) But there is an ad up on my window that is quite simple. It says DOWNLOAD claiming to be some sort of zip file opener. It just says stuff about updated March 27, free, all Windows platforms, exc. But no mention of the source. The source is probably...Ad Choices, but I'm not going to find out. If you want them to sell your personal information, go ahead, keep the d-bags.

  • vielle
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

     I do agree 5 months ago before I had ad blocker there was this stupid ad that I accidently clicked and it was detected by me shortly after it was on this ad on probably cleaning? Not sure anymore. What happened is that it was this annoying ad that was defined as "AdWare"  and I just had to do a quick scan and remove it to get rid of that stupid useless trojan horse. And about those PLAY NOW! SHOOT FOR IPHONE! all those are just automatic malware never click those. And all these ads and stuff are run by businesses cause businesses these days are so insane for profit they have to annoy the shit out of everyone by giving them adware too.

  • cyberdragon
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I FOUND SOMETHING! They have "X"s in their upper right corners that turns them off. YAY! :P They probably didn't want us to know that. :P


    EDIT: They just posted a nasty trojan disguised as antivirus, legit antivirus too. "X"  


    Ad muted. Undo We'll do our best to show you more relevant ads in the future. Help us show you better ads by updating your ads preferences.

    P.S. Don't click that link!

  • jacob1
    30th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    I use an ad blocker anyway, so I don't see them. I used to have it enabled here until recently.

    Also yeah, definitely don't click an ad, since you never know what it could be / what it could do. What I meant about hacking was that they could download a trojan just by viewing it. But that has a very small chance of happening.

    And all that conspiracy stuff ... just no
  • cyberdragon
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Yes, yes, yes. Google it. It is a multi-million dollar buisness my freind. What do you think telemarketing is? Where do you think they get your number? THEY BOUGHT IT!


    LINKS (these will disturb you, my humble freind)


  • XxoriginxX
    30th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    And that is why you opt-out of as much as you possibly can. Hell, I opted out of Google's data collection stuff, and pretty much everything else I can think of as well...


    I recommend going over to [x+1] or somesuch to opt out of their stuff, too.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    30th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • boxmein
    30th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Dude, you're overreacting.
    The ads are like the only thing Simon can do to get at least some share of this site's upkeep back.
    And with a proper web browser built in the last 20 years you will DEFINITELY not get a virus, unless you literally download everything you see on the internet.

    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    > Ad Choices advertising (Ad Ware)

    AdChoices is a product from Google that's used to display relevant ads. Nothing more than that. It's not adware, you don't install it on your computer, you don't even get to keep any part of it.

    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    >They probably didn't want us to know that. :P

    You literally told the ad services "this ad is not of my liking, give me something else next time". Nothing unusual.
    Also you don't simply add in closing X'es without knowing they're there, like "oh whoops is that an X button well nothing we can do about it now". It just doesn't happen.

    The adverts on TPT are all in a single location which never changes and is small enough.
    One must be dim-witted to think of the ad as a legitimate site property.
    (Although a more visual indication would be nice, for the extreme beginners)
Locked by jacob1: ads will not have malware