New* Information/element reader

  • Kikinicij
    27th May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    My idea is what if there was a new tool in the tools section that was called info and when you clicked on it then clicked on an element on the screen it would give a data reading of everything happpening to that element.


    EX. Wood is clicked on...


    It would read:



    -Burning currently


    -is touching plant

    -is touching water

    -Highest temp: 200

    -Coolest temp: 53.7

    -A few other things...




    Then it would give the powder toy description of wood and all that. It would be neater that this of course but It would be convinient even though it might become glitchy.


  • xetalim
    27th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    might this help?

    also, "burning currently"

    wood doesnt really "burn" in TPT
    wood gets transformed into FIRE when its more than 500K(i think)

  • Kikinicij
    27th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    First. Yes, thanks. Second. It may not 'burn' but the transforming into fire is still called burning. I cant really say 'wood trasforming into fire currently' and it sound normal...

  • NF
    27th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    This would make, powder toy qlitchy as fuck! but i do like the ideal!

  • boxmein
    27th May 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Kikinicij (View Post)
    Yet it transforms relative to fire particles around it, it's not like it knows when to light on fire...
  • cyberdragon
    28th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Better idea...Remote-Management-Console. This would do all of that in a seperate window.

  • jacob1
    28th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink

    -Burning currently
    -is touching plant
    -is touching water
    -Highest temp: 200
    -Coolest temp: 53.7
    -A few other things...

    Most of these aren't really possible / something that would be displayed. What xetalim said explains why detecting if something is burning wouldn't work already. Things like "touching plant, touching water" would work, but how many of these would it show if it was for example surrounded by 24 different elements? Also you can normally see clearly what is around it just with zoom / the hud. Coolest / highest temp would require two new variables to be added to every element, adding a lot of memory usage for something that isn't really too important anyway. So I don't really know what else we would add ...

    Viewing properties like the other thread linked to probably makes the most sense.