I suggest the creators make the anti-matter more powerful. The anti-matter should annihilate more violently and matter shold be annihilated and produce lots of photons (light). The ratio anti-matter to matter annihilation cloud be 1:50. So, one big blob can destroy an small city, e.g Vatican City. And I shloud obey the laws of gravity. And it should destroy diamond. Thanks.
Got this idea from reading Angels and Demons
Well, unlike SING, AMTR can be contained, via force emitting elements.
Usually it exists as individual subatomic antiparticles, although in large quantities it can exist in all four states. However, you are not going to find that large of an amount in the first place, since space is filled with regular matter, which would annihilate any antimatter that was present.
Well, it only causes an explosion if you have a large amount of antimatter. Small amounts simply cause a burst of gamma rays and neutrinos.
No it's not. Its highly unstable particles. Say Antihydrogen were to contact Hydrogen, the results would be... Explosive.. Did you really think it just floated around in space?