options for air pressure: blockable air

  • sakashit
    21st May 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Would it be possible to have some of the solid elements other than titanium block air pressure? like diamond and the metals.

    i think it would be good if some of the breakable elements block air pressure up to a certain point.  say for example a breakable solid would block all air pressure below 20 psi.  and at above 20 psi the solid would start to break

    the problem is that users have saves that were built around the fact that titanium is the only element that blocks air.  what if there were three different settings for air pressure?


    setting 1: original air pressure.  air is blocked by titanium only


    setting 2: air is blocked by diamond and unbreakable metals.  breakable solids block air pressure until the pressure reaches the solid's breaking point


    setting 3: air goes through everything (just in case anyone might find that setting useful for some reason)

  • Box-Poorsoft
    21st May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • sakashit
    21st May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @Box-Poorsoft (View Post)

    the original breaking points of the elements would not change.  but users could choose to have breakable solids block pressure up until their breaking point.

    it wouldn't break any saves because it would just be adding options.  users could toggle back and forth between the original air pressure that could only be blocked by titanium, and the new air pressure that i described.

    so if a save needs air pressure to go through diamond and/or metals, they could set air pressure to original and it would function exactly the same as it was built to

  • nmd
    21st May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @sakashit (View Post)

     Solids already block a minute amount of pressure already if you haven't noticed.


  • sakashit
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @nmd (View Post)

     yeah, that's the problem.  they block such a minute amount of pressure they might as well not block air pressure at all

  • Kikinicij
    26th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I was asking jacob1 this the other day. The idea that hit me was why can't there be a wall that allows everything except air. There should also be another element that does this to. Mabye if it created an invisible barrier like an invisible bray that stoped air and could be turned on and off.

  • mniip
    27th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Kikinicij (View Post)
    developers say that would be glitchy, however i did create such a wall (in a private), back when tpt was C, and it worked pretty fine
  • Kikinicij
    27th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     hmmm... Mabey it would work but either way we need something like that. I am surprized we dont have one. How did you code it?


  • jacob1
    27th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    They used to say that, I don't know why though. I'm sure it's completely possible and one would be pretty useful.
  • Potbelly
    27th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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