Liquid Electricity

  • cyberdragon
    12th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, I was bored. So I decided to try and make the fliud theory of electricity.


    Current Operational Parameters:

    - tmp 0 = normal

    - tmp 1 = can be used up

    - tmp2 1 = um...boiling? (makes it frothy and repels itself)


    NOTE: It behaves oddly \/ and tends to spontainiously behave like both a liguid and gas. If you don't contain it well it may float away. (I think this is because of it's pressure, I can make it stay liquid if you want)



    Warning: laggy! 

    Warning: Behaves strangely due to obscure code!

  • cyberdragon
    15th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I fixed it, but it has issues. I need it to mildly repel itself without using pressure. (the pressure it generates for repulsion is quite annoying)

  • TheEditor
    15th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • cyberdragon
    16th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    There are tutorials called Coding for (your system here) on the wiki. (you have to compile everything together) You have to make the file and put it where the other elements are. To add the functions to ElementClasses.cpp/.h do what the tutorial says. But after you run make sure you add

    static int update(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS);
    static int graphics(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS);

    to the element function in ElementClasses.h or it won't run.

    EDIT: I'll post if I change anything so if I do just replace the code in the element file. (this is a work in progress so check often for updates)

    Edit-jacob1: bad advice removed. You probably have a broken, do not edit those files by hand
  • jacob1
    16th May 2013 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cyberdragon (View Post)
    I just tried it myself, and yes the worked and inserted those two lines correctly. Maybe you have a broken generator or something, so redownload it.
  • cyberdragon
    16th May 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    UPDATE NOTICE: I just added some awsome features and changed some settings, please update your files momentarily (I have to put in the pastebin first)

    16th May 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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