Well, I was bored. So I decided to try and make the fliud theory of electricity.
Current Operational Parameters:
- tmp 0 = normal
- tmp 1 = can be used up
- tmp2 1 = um...boiling? (makes it frothy and repels itself)
NOTE: It behaves oddly \/ and tends to spontainiously behave like both a liguid and gas. If you don't contain it well it may float away. (I think this is because of it's pressure, I can make it stay liquid if you want)
Warning: laggy!
Warning: Behaves strangely due to obscure code!
I fixed it, but it has issues. I need it to mildly repel itself without using pressure. (the pressure it generates for repulsion is quite annoying)
UPDATE NOTICE: I just added some awsome features and changed some settings, please update your files momentarily (I have to put in the pastebin first)