More Piston Questions

  • watsonj11
    26th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry I have asked so much about pistons latley

    I have a layout with piston similar to the one used by cyberdragon in his diode factory

    (piston pushes pixels placed by cray then the end of the piston is destroyed by the cray)

    my layout does this with alternating ice then insl but after a while the pstn will no longer push the stuff forwards althogh it will still push the single blocks placed by the cray 

    i have tryed resolving this by increasing the TMP2 but this did nothing is there any way i can fix this?

    sorry if my post is vague i will be willing to give any more information needed


  • Incredy
    26th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    try tmp1, it changes the maximum push of pixels

  • watsonj11
    26th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    thanks that seems to have fixed it

  • greymatter
    26th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @watsonj11 (View Post)
    can you make it a little more descriptive? tmp2 sets the length to which the piston extends and tmp sets the particles pushed.try increasing tmp.

    EDIT:incredy beat me to it.