Help With Mods

  • SebasSmits
    20th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello everyone,

    i downloaded a lot of cool mods lately and all thought they where very cool.

    But would it be a option for me to make a mod including all the other mods?

    I have absolutaly zero knowlage about coding so i thought maybe someone could help me explaining how it works and if this is possible.

  • fireball5000
    20th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    this has been suggested many times before. and the short reason why it hasn't been done is because there is a element limit in tpt, and if you were to put the mods together, they would exceed that limit.

  • therocketeer
    20th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @fireball5000 (View Post)
    not just that, the main reason is that element ID's will conflict.
  • boxmein
    20th Mar 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    For C++ mods:
    If all of the mods are TPT++ and
    any two mods don't touch the same file (so one mod's code won't be replaced with another mod's code [well, actually you can, but you'd need to manually paste the changes of one mod into the clean file of another mod] ) and
    you can retrieve the source code for each of the given mods, then
    you can, but you need to set up your own modding environment to compile the new "merged" mod.

    For Lua mods:
  • SebasSmits
    20th Mar 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    pffff, never mind.

    Ill just swap mods for now

  • boxmein
    20th Mar 2013 Former Staff 0 Permalink