If you're tired of having to use clunky combinations of elements and large size to make a good bomb, this is the element for you. It still doesn't quite get the power found in a real explosive, but it's a lot closer than most TPT elements (A full screen of it can destroy a single pixel of iron, which is better than c4 can say.)
local element1 = elements.allocate("FEYNMAN", "BPDR")
elements.element(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, elements.element(elements.DEFAULT_PT_BCOL))
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Name", "BPDR")
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Description", "Black Powder. Very explosive.")
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Colour", 0x353535)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "MenuSection", 5)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Gravity", .5)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Flammable", 10000)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Explosive", 1)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Loss", 1)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "AirLoss", .5)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "AirDrag", .01)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Advection", .01)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Weight", 0)
elements.property(elements.FEYNMAN_PT_BPDR, "Diffusion", 0)
Suggestions, opinions, etc are greatly appreciated!
You're probably right, but if he don't like dasher, it is alternatives :)
Cool ; )
I'm not sure if your post is useful, if it isn't useful you shouldn't post in old threads. It's called necroing.