Cracker's Mod

  • cracker64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    not really sure what you mean..

    i am pretty sure you do not need an account to download from


    PIPE- Move particles around without velocity or pressure. INSTRUCTIONS: Draw the pipe. It will give itself a coating of diamond. Wait a second then erase the end of the pipe that you want to be THE END. A pattern will form and move along the pipe. When it reaches the other end, you can erase that side as well so it things can go in. Then put stuff on the 'in' side and watch it go. the colors on the inside show which way it goes as well, particles travel R>G>B>R...ect. Smaller pipes seem to work better. You can create a custom pipe pattern by pausing, then placing new pipe, and cooling it to these values.
    red- 0 to -100C
    green- -100 to -200C
    blue- -200 to -273.15C
    Once you unpause or go to next frame, it will lock to the color. i know temp is not the best way to control it, but it will do for now.

    Added ability to specifically delete whole menu sections. I will put wall selection in soon, as the wall code is horrible.

    Was working on capslock, still doesn't work right, will finish soon as well.
  • Carpaccio
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    The pipes work very nicely. Slightly unintuitive at first (e.g. 1px pipes don't work because of their walls), and unfortunately totally undestroyable, but already useful and quite promising. It'd be nice to be able to change which element they're coated with; I, among others, dislike the overuse of DMND.

    I recommend that, if possible, you implement a new toolbar with options for changing the brush--my suggestions for what to put on this are buttons for round brush or square brush, element replace or specific element delete, overwrite mode toggle (this could be done right now using Insert), and other things like that. We're running out of key combinations, and this seems a little more modular. It would also (hopefully) fix the problem of being unable to use the new element eraser to erase lines or rectangles (just freehand lines) in the process.

    It'd also be nice if the pipe colors showed up in 'nothing' mode; right now they appear gray, which makes it tough to tell which pipe goes where. I'm not sure if this is possible, though, since things like LCD screens don't work with it either. I'm guessing it totally disables changing a particle's color.

    Additionally, perhaps '}' and '{' could increase/decrease the size of the cursor by 10 times what we currently have (preferably a more exact measure, since increase/decrease don't work on the same amounts)? This would help for when we want to remove one element from a large portion of the map. Mashing '[' gets annoying, and the game doesn't recognize when keys are held down instead of just pressed. (It doesn't repeat the actions.) That'd be a nice thing to fix too, actually.

    Keep up the good work!
  • cracker64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    just a quick reply, a 1 pixel pipe should work, and it could be coated with something else yes. (will edit with more reply later).

    edit 1:
    about the '[' buttons, I don't think repeating keystrokes will ever work because of how sdl is used. the fastest way to make the brush bigger is ']'. i dont know if anyone knows this but ctrl-bracket will increase/decrease the same as the mouse wheel, which will give much more accurate brush sizes at larger brushes.

    i can fix nothing display to show the needed color changes. (pipe, lcry, swch)

    PIPE will now make BRCK walls, and can be destroyed by pressure >10.
  • MiXih
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i have idea:
    teleport ,
    TEND - teleport end
    TSTR - teleport start
    TMLT - teleport multi

    teleport works when INSL arent between teleports
    TSTR changes particle postion to nearest TEND which isn't separated by INSL

    TMLT changes particle postion to nearest TMLT which isn't separated by INSL, and thet should work every few seconds
  • Catelite
    12th Nov 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    There is an alternate velocity display as well that shows negative pressure in blue, positive pressure in red, and velocity in white. go check it out. : O
  • cracker64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    Replace Mode- Hit Insert to go into this mode, you will see it in the top left, it will replace the element selected with shift-alt with the primary or secondary one. It still draws on empty space which i am working to fix, but it will overwrite the specific element. if the shift-alt is on eraser, it will overwrite on everything. flood-fill not working yet for replace.

    Capslock- will now act like shift-alt when on, so you can use the line/box/flood fill with the specific eraser.

    Nothing view shows PIPE colors, LCRY and SWCH.

    PIPE makes BRCK now, PIPE breaks at 10+ pressure, i made BRCK break at about 9+.

    SLTW eats plant.

    i think that was all...

    EDIT: if you downloaded it right as i posted, the game will crash on particle spawn, redownload.
  • E-V-H
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    I mean like Lphtn photon that can co left Dphoton photon that goes down I thing u get the idea
  • cracker64
    12th Nov 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    FRZZ- freeze. powder, turns water into freeze water. will freeze more things later.

    FRZW- freeze water, spreads through normal water and slowly cools down until it is frozen. also looks sparkly.

    GRAV- A light powder unaffected by gravity, so it moves around even with the slightest breeze. It changes color based on velocity/direction. Persistent view looks amazing with this.

    Square element brush- Hit tab to switch between the normal circle, and the new square one.

    pipe now saves correctly
  • Carpaccio
    12th Nov 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Holy shit that was fast.

    Are you working on this thing all day? You're making more progress on usability than the devs themselves--all these 'minor' changes add up, and fast.

    I should probably start taking looks at the source, too, but I'm usually posting away from home and am not sure how a portable version of MinGW would work for this (if at all) given circumstances.
  • Finalflash50
    12th Nov 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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