I know there was a thread for similar reasons a few weeks back, but search has been broken for me ever since i first saw this website..so:
I know that a save needs to get certain number of votes and views in i week to get to fp.
can anyone, out of experience, say about how many votes and views are required to get fp?
Also, if i resave a save(by opening it and saving it to the server again) will the fp counter get reset?
If no, then is there any way by which i can reset it other than deleating it and uploding it again?
Ok... It all depends on how many votes the saves on the bottom row of fp have. Say, one has 5 votes in one hour, you should get 6 votes in an hour to beat it off. Say the bottom save has two votes, it's because it's a crappy week in either saves or people voting. That's when you publish if you have something good. Usually, if you are in the last row slot on fp and republish a save, it gets kicked off because the system recognizes more time or something like that. You want to get votes as fast as possible. If it's a really good save, and it doesn't get fp, I will republiush a save every hour of that first day, and still have a chance at fp. The further you go in that week, the less chance you get, so republish it when it's young. If you get like five views in an hour, you have a good chance. Although, under the right conditions, one upvote could get you on it. Reset a save by republishing it under a new name, but don't do it if you have a lot of votes. No, it will not get reset if you resave it. That happened a while ago and made everyone really mad.