I know something similar to this has been added to Minecraft, but it could also be useful in TPT. CMND, simply put, enters console commands when sparked. PROP can be used to set elements' properties, but it can only be activated manually. The console can also be used, but that suffers from the same problem. Only one particle of PROP can be placed at once, similarly to lightning or signs. When placed, a sign-like text box appears where you type in a console command. This CMND particle will perform that command every time it receives electricity. Its uses include:
"Banning" certain types of particles from saves. If you have a supposedly radioactive, postapocalyptic landscape, and you don't want plants to be able to grow, set up a CMND particle and a battery to !set type plnt none.
Self-destructing mechanisms. Currently, self-destructing computers or drawings need to be packed with explosives in order to explode. And, the explosion might not destroy the whole thing. The solution? Put a few CMND particles somewhere, set them to replace the elements of your target (or everything, if you'd like the whole screen to blow up) with explosives, and set the explosives' temperature to something over 5000. Boom goes the Death Star pixel art.
Spawning or removing platforms. The !create command can be placed in a grid (or a row to save space) of CMND particles so you can have a stickman spawn platforms where you want them. If you've decided you don't want the platform, !set its material to none, or blow it up like above. You can use this for walls, too.
The !quit command is banned from uploads, for obvious reasons.
Very good idea. Since it's impossible to set variables for particles that haven't been spawned/drawn yet, placing a particle of CMND with a battery hooked up to it and the aforementioned command(s) already loaded would work wonders.
This would be extremely helpful when it comes to using CLNE, especially if you want all of the particles that come out of that pixel of CLNE to have the same ctype/tmp/temp/etc.
Nice one.
Yeah, I've heard that on-the-fly property-editing tools have been suggested multiple times over the years. Just wondering; after all this time, how come they haven't been implemented yet? Is such a tool that hard to code?
It's Brillent good idea too.
So, no Lua then. If the number of CMND particles needs to be limited, I'd say the limit should be 100 particles. Still enough to spawn a small platform.