Hi, I was wondering if you can set a delay to determine how often a cloning material will clone its ctype. If you can what is the console command?
Also can you prevent a cloning material from cloning altogether. I need to line something with BCLN to let a particle of BOMB pass without exploding. I don't want to use DMND because it isn't breakable.
I think you can't set the delay of the clone but there are alternatives
like make a factory of the particle then send it through a portal or pipe depending on the circumstances
for example:
use pipe is the temp of the material is not hotter than the melting point of pipe
use portal if you can't use pipe
then use e-wall or store to control the release of that particle
Is there a way that i could make powered breakable clone that also clones breakable clone that clones another element like thunder or bizarre by using the console?