In ToolClasses.h we have
#include "simulation/Tools.h"
#include "simulation/tools/SimTool.h"
but we have'nt directory "simulation" and have'nt this files.
also in ElementClasses.h
#include "simulation/Element.h"
#include "simulation/elements/Element.h"
In Output VC++ give me:
1> ElementClasses.cpp
1>c:\projpt\generated\ElementClasses.h(6): fatal error C1083: Can't open include file: simulation/Element.h: No such file or directory
1> ToolClasses.cpp
1>c:\projpt\generated\ToolClasses.h(4): fatal error C1083: Can't open include file: simulation/Tools.h:
No such file or directory
Where can I take required files? Source code on GitHub not contains that directory.
No, I can't. I don't know what is Phyton. Only VC++ enabled. What to do? Step by step, please.
Sources not contains *.py files.
Ok, I've update my files, but new trouble I have.
Client.cpp and LuaScriptInterface.cpp required to include dirent.h but I can't to find this.
So.. I found dirent.h and now I need to find zdll.lib
I also have download zdll.lib.
what is trap_Print("") function. VC in last moment say me that trap_Print is not permitted element. Now I comment all strings, where this function used, but I want to know. Also I think that not bad when I can output some text info.
dirent.h I just put into Includes directory without any other files from dirent archive.
Oh, God!!! I've build it!)) But it require pthreadGC2.dll I'll try to find it now.
Ooook! I run TPTPP!!! pthreadGC2.dll I've download from and just put it to build dir. Thanx a lot for support!
P.S. but I want to know about trap_Print
P.P.S In test.c I've rename main to _main because VC write me that main already defined.