I can't find some files

  • makshimik
    25th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    In ToolClasses.h we have

    #include "simulation/Tools.h"

    #include "simulation/tools/SimTool.h"

    but we have'nt directory "simulation" and have'nt this files.

    also in ElementClasses.h

    #include "simulation/Element.h"
    #include "simulation/elements/Element.h"

    In Output VC++ give me:


    1> ElementClasses.cpp

    1>c:\projpt\generated\ElementClasses.h(6): fatal error C1083: Can't open include file: simulation/Element.h: No such file or directory


    1> ToolClasses.cpp

    1>c:\projpt\generated\ToolClasses.h(4): fatal error C1083: Can't open include file: simulation/Tools.h:

    No such file or directory


    Where can I take required files? Source code on GitHub not contains that directory.

  • mniip
    25th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    have you ran generate.py ?
  • makshimik
    25th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     No, I can't. I don't know what is Phyton. Only VC++ enabled. What to do? Step by step, please.

    Sources not contains *.py files.

  • jacob1
    25th Oct 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    I updated the wiki a few days ago with a visual studio tpt++ compiling tutorial. It has a link to the required libraries, and in the download it includes everything you will need, and also these generated files. Maybe the files you have were generated wrong. If not, and you are already following the tutorial, maybe you did something else wrong, like not add /src to the list of include directories. I see src/simulation/Element.h and src/simulation/Tools.h in the source and on github.
  • makshimik
    26th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Ok, I've update my files, but new trouble I have.

     Client.cpp and LuaScriptInterface.cpp  required to include dirent.h but I can't to find this. 

  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @makshimik (View Post)
    ok, I forgot to add that to the required libraries. It might be made so that it isn't needed later, but for now, get it here. I think the file would also work if it was put in the includes folder of tpt's source. I will also update the required libraries.
  • makshimik
    26th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     So.. I found dirent.h and now I need to find zdll.lib

  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @makshimik (View Post)
    ok, I actually renamed both the static and dll version to just zlib.lib, so that there would be less steps when changing to the statically compiled version.

    Go to where you went for this step: "Open the drop down menu for "Additional Dependencies, click , and enter the following text,", and change zdll.lib to just zlib.lib. I'll fix the wiki now. And where did you put dirent.h? I just want to know how it worked, for the wiki.
  • makshimik
    26th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

    I also have download zdll.lib.

     what is trap_Print("") function. VC in last moment say me that trap_Print is not permitted element. Now I comment all strings, where this function used, but I want to know. Also I think that not bad when I can output some text info.


     dirent.h I just put into Includes directory without any other files from dirent archive.



    Oh, God!!! I've build it!)) But it require pthreadGC2.dll I'll try to find it now.


    Ooook! I run TPTPP!!! pthreadGC2.dll I've download from http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?pthreadgc2 and just put it to build dir. Thanx a lot for support! 


    P.S. but I want to know about trap_Print


    P.P.S In test.c I've rename main to _main because VC write me that main already defined.

  • jacob1
    26th Oct 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @makshimik (View Post)
    in the tutorial, I said to delete the tptlibrary folder, because it just causes errors like that. You must be compiling with it. I don't know what it does, or what tptlibrary even is, I just know it's not needed and was only an incomplete test. I think test.cpp and file.cpp (or maybe just .c) are the things from that folder. Also some asm thing.

    So trap_Print is part of that test above, I don't know what it's for.

    that dll file must only be needed because of the libraries you have, I know the ones I use don't need it. But I have needed it before with the libraries I used to use.