May I suggest the site incorporate an AJAX Chat Box to allow real time, easily accessible collaboration of users on certain topics, answering of questions, and many other possibilities right within the site. Good Idea or Bad Idea?
pilojo I don't see it being that hard. We can already populate a window with images and text. It would only be a few hundred(not that much, for anyone who isn't familiar with programming).
cr15py We would need a server that holds a chat. This I don't think holds a chat. After that we would need to make a whole new section to make the chatbox. Then we would need it to communicate with the server. I'm not entirely sure how chat systems would work in C. I know a bit of HTML which is somewhat easy to make a chat.
Listen I don't know how this server is configured but for an in-powder toy(good idea, many people use the game but not the IRC/Forums) we could just piggy back on the save retrieval system.