Lua crash?

  • Dawgie
    24th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok i was using my script

    ( )

    and powder keeps crashing i get the error
    PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (bad argument #-8 (number expected, got table))"

    anybody know whats happening?

    Edit: I'm using the latest beta if that helps any.
  • The-Fall
    24th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    One of the arguments you are calling is found, but, the Variable type you presented it as returns a table, not what ever you have it as in one of your function arguments.

    Seems to be an error in the API, also our API has been updated, there's intruction for the new lua API somewhere.

  • Dawgie
    24th Sep 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    I think it has to be the API because it worked fine until that was added
  • jacob1
    24th Sep 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    It looks like a crash that only happens with tpt++ for some reason, i'm not really sure why. I will look into the problems with the tpt++ lua console later, there are many of them. It seems to only happen when a particle is deleted for some reason, I don't know why that has anything to do with the graphics function though (and argument -8 is cola, which you have as 255, and that's right)

    @The-Fall (View Post)
    The new lua api is here