Annoying No-Decoration Thumbnails

  • thepowderdustflame
    25th Aug 2012 Member 3 Permalink

    Alot of other people (actually everyone) has noticed that the thumbnails have no decoration. I think it makes all of the saves look dull, and it will end up making people not clicking on saves and losing votes. I even found myself not clicking on front page saves. Thanks to any mod who sees / replies to this.

  • mniip
    25th Aug 2012 Developer 2 Permalink
    it was done to reduce amount of deco art
  • thepowderdustflame
    25th Aug 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    well to me its not a good idea unfortunately :(

    If anyone wants to join the 'Bring back deco thumbnails' protest, heres the save (I got permission from evarno to advertise this of course):



    Evarno also said that jacob1 said that soon the deco thumbnails will be back on.

  • plead-for-destruction
    25th Aug 2012 Member 2 Permalink
    @thepowderdustflame (View Post)
    its permanent and that's final.

    (as said by the devs/mods when it was removed0
  • EqualsThree
    25th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @thepowderdustflame (View Post)

    So you can just get all those ridiciolous amounts of votes just by making art? Nothing complicated? No, that's not the way your supposed to play TPT. Some mods say they WILL remove art from the FP if it's completely art and DMND.

  • Fast-Driver
    25th Aug 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    Back in my days, people used to make wonderful non-deco art using elements. :3

  • BuysDB
    25th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink


    @thepowderdustflame (View Post)

    So you can just get all those ridiciolous amounts of votes just by making art? Nothing complicated? No, that's not the way your supposed to play TPT. Some mods say they WILL remove art from the FP if it's completely art and DMND.


    No one should dictate one how to play a creative game, deco is a part of this game. You are forcing people not to use deco and start using tricks to make their thumbnail appealing. Why is it so wrong to you to get votes by 'just' making art? A vote is a vote remember? I think people should make what ever they want, they shouldn't be blocked by some people who think they have the right to tell others what they should (not) make. Everyone has one vote for every save on the FP, a democratic way of save selection, these saves áre the best by democratic solution whether you like the outcome or not. Someone didn't like the outcome too, so the rules changed to his advantage.


  • savask
    25th Aug 2012 Developer 5 Permalink

    @BuysDB (View Post)

    I don't like art on the front page, and to be honest I suggested deco layer removal in thumbnails :-P

    This is doubtfully a democratic society, but if you like thinking about it in that way, you can treat deco removal as a kind of tax: government sets taxes on gasoline cars to make people use environment-friendly analogues; TPT admin disabled deco in thumbnails to make people create more interactive saves.

    In the first case it's more expensive to use gasoline, in the second case it's harder to make good-looking art.

  • circovik
    25th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I really don't care about this issue anymore, the developers think it is a good idea so they try it and it works. I don't really pay much atention to the thumbnails anyway so it doesn't really change my gameplay.

  • BuysDB
    25th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    @BuysDB (View Post)

    I don't like art on the front page, and to be honest I suggested deco layer removal in thumbnails :-P


    The problem is; we never asked for this, most people do like the art thumbs. I am not comparing to a democratic society, I am saying that I think that you should listen to the mayority of users.