Sorry this those not relate to a download yet. I want some new element's i have a qithub and here's some element's i want VIRUS is a liquid colour Dark pink and EDNA is a explosive and colour gray and its a powder explosive and Nitrogen -245 degrees colour navy blue and gases and i want Radition it kill's stick men and it's colour is Light green.
Someone can make you a mod, But WILL we? No. If you want those elements so bad, learn to code lua and make them yourself.
Modders do not operate on people asking for them to make a mod for the person asking.
It will, infact never work like that since no one is payed to mod or develop, so they have no obligation to anyone to make a mod or element because you request.
I aint a compluter Junkie that know's LUA language?
Grammar Nazi's First give me a EXAMPLE like this !set life dest 65539.
Here is a link about LUA ill watch it and if this help's me thank's for your help.
But, but... but. *Poorsoft's jaw drops down in astonishment*
But you just gave yourself the link!
i know what a link is is that consederd LUA?????????
We literally cannot understand what you are saying.
Please use proper grammar or ask your parents to write it for you.