Strange ARAY behave

  • New-IdeasForYou
    17th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Im here asking you because i studied all the possibilities and i could not find out whats going on with aray here:



    What im saying is that when we cross 3 rays from ARAY with ONE, it doesnt make 3 point only 1. Look:



    on the first save, when you digit T (the T of the light writer keyboard), it makes 3 aray's dots at once, crossing 3 rays from top to one on left And when you try the same thing on the second its not possible, it creates only one point.

    Whats going on?

  • Pilihp64
    17th Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    You solved your own issue by saving it.  (your save works as the 1st save does).

    The one going across needs to go first, so the other three have something to hit and stop on.

    When you created it, you probably created the bottom three ARAY first (which would make them fire first).  After a reload, the numberings are reset (bottom goes last).  You could also delay the bottom three by a frame and you will never have numbering issues.

  • New-IdeasForYou
    17th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @cracker64 (View Post)

     lol, its true! Now its working well, very wierd thing. 

    I was trying to make an RGB display using this but i was having this problem. 

    cool thing. What do you think about resetting ARAY's ray not to stop when metting an other ray, for the next update?