There is an element call FRAY and if you heat it, it pushes any powder element, but if you want to push BOMB, it has to have a little amount of DMND in between the BOMB and FRAY so it won't selfdestruct before you fire. If you want, you can put a little DMND in front to keep it in place. It will not affect the movement of the bomb unless you have more than one pixel of DMND blocking it. :)
Here a a bomb gun i made:
Its very easy, just make 1 px o PCLN making bomb, and put FRAY behind it. Make sure to heat FRAY. The most you heat, faster goes the bullet. Than, just shot someone!
Edit: to make it shot, energize FRAY using a METL cabe, or PSCN one..
hey guys i'm trying it really hard but I'm not getting anywhere. I mean the thing is shooting but it won't create anymore bomb. could you please give some detailed instructions on what exactly to do please.
That's my gun. you can turn of deco layer and observe.
this is my really old (one of my first saves) tutorial on how to make a bomb firing gun. hope that helps.