How to Shoot BOMB

  • jman42
    15th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    hello everybody.


    so i've noticed that there are some really neat guns that shoot BOMB and i was wondering how you make the mechanism to shoot a particle of bomb. anytime i try to, it doensn't exactly work to well.

  • Catelite
    15th Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    basically, people have a chunk of thunder in one box that's always exploding on a solid, an e-wall, and a switch so that when the wall opens, the air shoots it out.


    ...More recent ones are more complex, though.

  • Shriek
    15th Aug 2012 Banned 1 Permalink
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  • ThatKei3dJ2G
    15th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    There is an element call FRAY and if you heat it, it pushes any powder element, but if you want to push BOMB, it has to have a little amount of DMND in between the BOMB and FRAY so it won't selfdestruct before you fire. If you want, you can put a little DMND in front to keep it in place. It will not affect the movement of the bomb unless you have more than one pixel of DMND blocking it. :)

  • New-IdeasForYou
    16th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Here a a bomb gun i made:


    Its very easy, just make 1 px o PCLN making bomb, and put FRAY behind it. Make sure to heat FRAY. The most you heat, faster goes the bullet. Than, just shot someone! 


    Edit: to make it shot, energize FRAY using a METL cabe, or PSCN one..

  • theorybuzz
    11th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    hey guys i'm trying it really hard but I'm not getting anywhere. I mean the thing is shooting but it won't create anymore bomb. could you please give some detailed instructions on what exactly to do please.

  • billion57
    11th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    How are you making the gun?

  • greymatter
    11th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jman42 (View Post)


    @urztrulyanurag (View Post)

    That's my gun. you can turn of deco layer and observe.

    this is my really old (one of my first saves) tutorial on how to make a bomb firing gun. hope that helps.

  • Box-Poorsoft
    11th Oct 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
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