What are you trying to achieve with the graphics function? It only seems to return a variable (I might be wrong, could you tell me what you are trying to do? If you want it to glow every now and then or when sparked or something like that, you should try it another way (look at the neon element post if you want so, very good example of special effect adding). I also note that I experienced the same reaction with my TPT legacy when using an other graphics call in the same matter, try abondonging only the graphics function, it should work problemlessly
edit: After searching out an extra bit, I decided that you programmed it exactly as you should (meaning errorless) , don't be offended by my questions mentioned above.
It's good for a first element, I mean, it has no errors and stuff like that..
Now you could try adding to it some temperature element transformations, like 9000 temp turn the element into dest.
And maybe give some unique properties.
If you set it to 8726, then it'll become bomb at 8468.85 degrees celsius (less 257.15 degrees, unfortunatly thats how tpt works.. to set a temp to 1000 you have to try to set it 1257.15..