Teach me please.

  • sjd704
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Can someone teach me how to make stuff with electronics please. I don't know how to use them to make saves at all. The only thing is I dont look at my messages. Can someone teach me?

  • Catelite
    3rd Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink

    Looked at the wiki? You can ask about anything here, but it's hard to answer "teach me"

  • Poorsoft
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @sjd704 (View Post)

    Why don't you look at your messages? If it's hate-mail, just ignore it. Your ponies are good, dude.

    If it's other stuff, PM me. (lol jk).


    With electronics, the first bit I ever knew, was that PSCN could transfer spark to I think, almost all conductors, but NSCN wouldn't do it to PSCN.

  • Sergeant_Starfruit
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    All I know is that even doing a simple task can take HOURS. No. Days. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :/


    On the subject of first thing I know about electronics the first thing I knew was that PSCN could melt. o.O

  • DJspiderize
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    The first thing I knew about electronics that PSCN was used to activate cool stuff. I then discovered ETRD >:D

  • ThunderSt
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    The first thing I knew about electronics is ETRD... plasma arcs >:D, then PSCN, NSCN and SWCH, then the fact NSCN doesn't let sprk go to PSCN, making it possible to create one-way electronics.

  • Fast-Driver
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Well, basically try and look at what other people made and try to understand the mechanisms. Learning some logic gates and simple on/off circuits with WIFI buttons would help too.

    I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to help you, and the #powder channel on IRC is a good place to ask for help too.

  • boxmein
    3rd Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @sjd704 (View Post)
    Learn the rules of various conductors, then you could use them in different ways to re-create simple circuits called logic gates. Those logic gates are a piece of even your computer's CPU.
    Try stuff with SWCH to make memory, for example - know that when SWCH is off, it doesn't pass ARAY nor does it conduct sparks. You could use it with a control to check if the SWCH is enabled - that's a single bit of memory right there.
  • ThunderSt
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh.. a thing:


    To use wifi you need to use PSCN and NSCN, I'll explain:


    If you put a WIFI and then NSCN, it only receives electricity from the WIFI.

    If you put a WIFI and then PSCN, it receives and transmits electricity from the WIFI.


    Based on the NSCN-PSCN electricity behavior.

  • Niven
    3rd Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @sjd704 (View Post)
    Get used to the properties of different conductors and powered materials. Then look online to see how different things work, and try to recreate them. Also, be more specific when u ask for help, and check ur messages.