Why don't you look at your messages? If it's hate-mail, just ignore it. Your ponies are good, dude.
If it's other stuff, PM me. (lol jk).
With electronics, the first bit I ever knew, was that PSCN could transfer spark to I think, almost all conductors, but NSCN wouldn't do it to PSCN.
All I know is that even doing a simple task can take HOURS. No. Days. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. :/
On the subject of first thing I know about electronics the first thing I knew was that PSCN could melt. o.O
The first thing I knew about electronics that PSCN was used to activate cool stuff. I then discovered ETRD >:D
Well, basically try and look at what other people made and try to understand the mechanisms. Learning some logic gates and simple on/off circuits with WIFI buttons would help too.
I'm sure there are plenty of people willing to help you, and the #powder channel on IRC is a good place to ask for help too.
Oh.. a thing:
To use wifi you need to use PSCN and NSCN, I'll explain:
If you put a WIFI and then NSCN, it only receives electricity from the WIFI.
If you put a WIFI and then PSCN, it receives and transmits electricity from the WIFI.
Based on the NSCN-PSCN electricity behavior.