• ThunderSt
    30th Jul 2012 Member 5 Permalink

    AWESOMIUM autorun.lua Script



    Copy under:

    ------------------------------------------------------------- = 'awsm'
    tpt.el.pste.description = 'AWESOMIUM. Is just awesome...'
    tpt.el.pste.color = 0xFFFF00
    tpt.eltransition.pste.tempLowValue = 1000
    tpt.eltransition.pste.tempLowType = tpt.element('exot')
    tpt.eltransition.pste.tempHighValue = 9000
    tpt.eltransition.pste.tempHighType = tpt.element('dest')
    tpt.eltransition.pste.presHighValue = 900
    tpt.eltransition.pste.presHighType = 0
    tpt.el.pste.diffusion = 2
    tpt.el.pste.gravity = 5
    tpt.el.pste.weight = 5
    tpt.el.pste.heat = 5274
    tpt.el.pste.hardness = 1 = 2600

    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighValue = 3274
    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighType = tpt.element('awsm')


     Copy above:


    It turns the element 'PSTE' into a very different element called 'AWSM'.


    Edit: Showing you one of the awesomium's uses:


    (AWSM clone + VOID + DMND container energy source)


    See why is AWSM awesome?

    If you don't, well, who told you this is the only thing in which it is usefull?


    You can use it to make clocks and cooler auto-destruction devices (you can almost fully use deco on those, instead of having blank spaces for DEST to spawn in them.. ..just one thing.. you need to use life and HWSC to make heat switches), for example :D, or use it in circuitry as a 1 time conductor!


    Edit: now glow can be turned into AWSM, allowing glow-exot conversion possible!

  • mniip
    30th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    that simply is config file, no programming, no execution
  • Jallibad
    30th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @mniip (View Post)

     and your point is... what exactly?  He didn't say otherwise...

  • ThunderSt
    30th Jul 2012 Member 2 Permalink

    His point is minimize this modification, but let me tell you: this, sir, is script newb work.


    I don't really care if a person says this is nothing, because what I really want to do is edit and create elements. I'm not a scripting pro, I just use the tpt commands..


    @Everybody, another use for AWSM:


    The cooling system turns AWSM into EXOT, and cools EXOT a lot, making it not obbey to gravity (It's not exactly a solid state).


    When it has a big quantity of EXOT it starts getting hotter due to AWSM. Then EXOT switches between 'frozen' and liquid states a lot of times, reaching the sensor.


    At a certain time the EXOT, in big quantities, get's hot enough to flow down. When it ends flowing down it should look like..


    ..this, once again.




    @mniip (View Post)

    I noticed a funny thing.. Everytime someone posts in this section (Lua scripting, NOT modding) an autorun.lua you downrate. Since you do that with ALL the threads which post 'tpt.el' coding only, why not stopping? Your feedback is always the same..


    Or, if you really want to downrate people for not knowing how to do certain stuff, why not teach them how to before downrating?

    It's not a bad idea at all.


    MAJOR, EDIT (related to the script):


    Added '' = 2600'', to change it's properties, one of those is.. it is CONDUCTIVE :D


    (it only conducts once, though)

  • mniip
    30th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @ThunderSt (View Post)
    im voting positively on scripts that aren't like those
    feel free to pm me if you need any kind of help with scripts
  • jacob1
    30th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    I don't think anyone has ever used tpt.graphics_func (besides me, since I made it). With it, you can make your element look like anything (think about any of the effects other elements have). You should try to be the first to figure it out and use it.

    Also, you can use tpt.element_func to add an update function, but those can get a little laggy, graphics functions can too if they aren't cached
  • mniip
    30th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    lol, I've written tpt.graphic_func with pure lua before it was released
  • jacob1
    30th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @mniip (View Post)
    This way is better though, It can do all of the effects of every element how tpt does it. With yours, it would take a lot of work to do things like glowing or blurring. Also, this can cache the effects, so that the function is only called once ever.
  • ThunderSt
    31st Jul 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)


    How do you use the tpt.el/graphics_func ?





    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighValue = 3274
    tpt.eltransition.glow.tempHighType = tpt.element('awsm')

    To the script.


    Now you can turn glow into awsm with heat, which means glow-exot conversion is now possible.

  • Poorsoft
    31st Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    You've inspired me. How long did it take you to learn? Also, +3 your rep, because this is quite cool also.