PTP Crashing!

  • Powdersaurus
    11th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I just went on Powder Toy and got the new version 81.3 and check the toolbar for any new elements or something but nothing new so I went to check the front page and I clicked on the "Density Tester" but when I went on it TPT froze so I had to Ctrl-Alt-Delete End program. I then went back on it but when It caem on I immediatly froze again. I tried this multiple times but to no avail. When I when on Mozilla Firefox it also froze a couple of times but on the fourth go I got on and started typing this. What is happening?

  • Powdersaurus
    11th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh doh! Wrong letter!

  • EqualsThree
    11th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Uhh....did you floodfill your screen with an element that creates a nice amount of lag..? I don't get this problem when i opened that Density Tester on the FP.

  • circovik
    11th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I believe that the problem is with your computer not TPT. You may have a virus. Does it crash for any other programs or you have major lag when using them?

  • boxmein
    11th Jul 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @circovik (View Post)
    That's a pretty wild guess but it's reasonable.

    I suppose you've got some other process eating up the memory PT needs to run properly so PT crashes instead.