make a small checkerboard by hand, and then hit the "s" key and drag over it to make a stamp. Then hit "L" to place the stamp. Continue like that to make it bigger.
i made a checkerbord with walls and published it
u can use it if you want
but i dont think youll like it cuz
1)its not made of elements
2)its big
but watever
u get wat i mean
No, I honestly did not understand one sentence of what you wrote, incidentally you did not use any commas or periods.
talhaa6 means, he used the wall "element" to make much easier checkerboard. It's not really an element, in the case of "wall".
Copy and paste a small pixel (use Z to zoom in, and mouse scroll to zoom in/out).
Copy = Ctrl+C ("minus the +")
Paste = Ctrl+V (" ")
Cut = Ctrl+X (" ")
im with you man