
  • kombine
    5th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I have this thing I'm working on, it's the human body, with a circulatory system with veins that are 1 pixel wide. I put water in all of those veins, and I want to color it red so it will look like blood, but I don't want to manually do it, so how do I enter a console command or something else to color all of the water but not the other things around it.

  • EqualsThree
    5th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    You mean something like Deco Flood-Fill?

  • mniip
    5th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    you can't, you have to use lua
  • Simon
    5th Jul 2012 Administrator 1 Permalink
    You don't have to use lua at all, use the PROP tool and set the dcolour to 0xFFFF0000
  • R3APER
    5th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Delete all the water filled areas.
    Make sure the veins don't connect to the rest of the open screen area.
    !set type all dmnd
    fill the empty vein areas with goo
    (Ctrl+shift left click the open area with goo
    or you can pause the screen and fill the empty vein areas with water.
    Either way this will work.
    Ctrl+shift right click the diamond.
    Save the water veins as a stamp.
    Color it all red, press b and then Ctrl+drag over the water with the red color pallete.
    Save as a stamp.
    take the red colored water vein stamp and paste it into the other stamp if the human body with regular blue colored water.
  • nmd
    5th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @R3APER (View Post)

    I think

    !set dcolor water 0xFF0000FF

    is easier.