Script help

  • Dawgie
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok i am trying to make a new liquid but everytime i go to run it I keep getting that "then expected near "="

    this is what I have


    function heat()
    if tpt.get_property(temp)=256 then
    tpt.set_property (temp 0 watr)


    Positive comments only I am new at lua.

  • Darkwrist
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Dawgie (View Post)

     same here but i think the lines after "function heat()" are wrong.well i know scripting elements in such a way i can give you correct code if you can give me properties you want.

  • plead-for-destruction
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @Dawgie (View Post)
    try putting quotation marks around the Value 256?

    im not great at Lua
  • boxmein
    29th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Dawgie (View Post)
    With a single = you're assigning get_property a value of 256 which wouldn't work.
    [This] page told me you should replace it with ==.
    So the new line would be
    if tpt.get_property (temp) == 256 then
  • plead-for-destruction
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    == would be the correct term i suppose, but == means the same as = :/
  • boxmein
    29th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)
    It's a safe bet to use ==, because = almost always means assignment. (Pascal is different)
    > edit edit edit: rephrased
  • jacob1
    29th Jun 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)
    == and = are different, you have to use the right one or it won't work.

    @Dawgie (View Post)
    You also don't have an end at the end. Actually, you need to ends, one to end the if statement and one to end the function
  • vertigo
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Here is the fixed code*

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------"TEST" --Giving it a name
    tpt.el.eqve.menusection=10 --adding it to the menusection "Specials"
    tpt.el.eqve.heat=255   --setting its starting heat
    tpt.el.eqve.gravity=2  --gravity
    tpt.el.eqve.falldown=2 --state of matter (Liquid)
       function Heat_Loop()
          if tpt.get_property("temp","eqve") == 256
             then do


    this should work but it doesnt. It doesnt even rename the element.

    By the way you had many things wrong to start off with. (Not to be negative, im a noob too. i started the day before yesterday.)

    here are the basic mistakes you made:

    ----------------------------------------------"MGLQ" --i changed this to make sure that the name wasnt the problem.
    tpt.el.watr.temp=255 --there is no property called temp. use tpt.el.watr.heat=255
       function heat()   --always use correct indentation.
       if tpt.get_property(temp)=256 then --here it should be in more lines. and = should be ==. Like so:

          if tpt.get_property("temp","watr")

             then  --im not sure if you should use then or then do here.
             tpt.set_property (temp 0 watr) --right here it should be tpt.set_property("temp",0,"watr")

        end --you forgot to write end to end the "then" and the functionand "if"


    tpt.register_step(heat) --this will make the function run every frame, otherwise it runs only once.



  • plead-for-destruction
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    i know they are different in that way...
  • Dawgie
    29th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @vertigo (View Post)
    Ok i tried your script and it gave me an new error I am using lua edit and it says that ")' expected near eqve"